ABA Therapist cover letter example

Your job application needs to sound personable, not clinical, while still showing off your knowledge and experience. Learn how to find the right tone and put together an interview-winning ABA therapist cover letter below.
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ABA therapists work with clients to help them learn or reinforce positive behaviors and minimize harmful ones. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is most commonly associated with people on the autism spectrum. Still, it can also be used to help people with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sleep problems, and other mental health issues, Very Well Mind lists.

Empathy, communication, and patience are necessities for ABA therapists and your cover letter is the best place to show those off before you get in front of a real person for an interview. When you look for a new position, you need an ABA therapist cover letter that behaves as your personalized introduction. It needs to reflect your professionalism as well as your rapport with clients. 

At Resume.io, we have everything you need to accelerate your job search, including 180+ cover letter examples and guides. This guide and the ABA therapist cover letter example that goes along with it will:

  • Describe all the elements of a great cover letter (header, greeting, intro, body, and conclusion)
  • Offer tips for shining a light on your empathy and connecting with each prospective employer
  • Point out the pitfalls to avoid in writing your ABA therapist cover letter

Best format for an ABA therapist cover letter

As an ABA therapist, you are well aware that structure is comforting and helps people understand what is coming. Understanding the structure of an application letter before you jump into writing helps guide your process, ensures that you include all the needed elements, and makes your reader feel more at ease.

The format of an ABA therapist cover letter should contain the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting/salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

The comprehensive cover letter guide is a great starting point for learning about this important part of your application. If you’re looking for advice directed at your career, look no further than the text below.

This ABA therapist cover letter example will give you a blueprint for writing your own cover letter:

Adaptable cover letter sample

Re: ABA therapist role


Dear Mrs. Brierley

With a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis and five years of hands-on experience, I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to your team. The transformative nature of ABA in the lives of my clients with autism is hugely rewarding.

At Holyoake Therapy Center, I managed a diverse caseload of 70 clients, implementing creative therapy solutions that led to 96% satisfaction levels. My average length of treatment was 5 months, shorter than the rest of my colleagues. I also initiated a group therapy program for older clients, leading to a 30% improvement in their social skills over six months.

Half of my clients were under 18, so involving parents in the treatment has been a key part of my role. I am at heart an educator and find pleasure in seeing parents understand and manage this most confusing of conditions. I worked closely with the local schools to manage the ongoing integration of my clients and get involved wherever possible to understand the complex dynamics of teenage autism in a school setting. I am proud to have contributed to a 62% improvement in targeted behaviors.

Your approach to furthering ABA awareness in the community is something that I would love to be involved in. I believe that education is crucial in encouraging people to come forward to explore treatment plans for themselves and their children.

I met Rachel Wise at a recent conference, and she suggested getting in touch about the role. She seemed like someone that I would enjoy working with, so I would look forward to the opportunity of an interview to find out more.



Shane Lace

Cover letter header

The header of your ABA therapist cover letter serves two purposes: It puts your contact information in a place of prominence and it creates a graphic element that gives you the opportunity to distinguish yourself visually in what would otherwise be a plain vanilla letter.

First, here is the contact information your header should include:

  • Name and title
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Any professional social media accounts

Second, consider the design. Use a striking font, but one that is easy to read. Your name should be the largest element on the page, but make it only about 4-6 points larger than the rest of the type. Avoid bright colors and make sure your creativity does not detract from the oh-so-vital data a recruiter needs to contact you.

Expert tip

Why waste space on a fancy header?

  1. You want the hiring manager to remember you and a strong visual impression helps.
  2. If you make it difficult to find your phone number or email, you’re unlikely to get a request to schedule that all-important interview.
  3. A complete application package includes both your ABA therapist resume and cover letter – and they should look like they belong together.

Cover letter greeting

The first connection you can make to your reader is through the greeting of your ABA therapist cover letter. Make a concerted effort to find the name of the person who has the power to hire you, and direct your letter to that person.

The best greeting is a simple “Dear Dr./Mr./Ms./Mx.,” but be sure that you know how your reader identifies and absolutely spell their name correctly. There’s no easier way to start off on the wrong foot than to get these personal details wrong, especially in a profession where you need to make personal connections with clients, parents, and colleagues.

In the event that you cannot get the name of your reader, “Dear Hiring Committee” or “Dear Therapy Group” is your next best option.

Cover letter introduction

The opening paragraph of your ABA therapist cover letter serves to introduce your career and professional personality, but also to intrigue your reader. With only 300-400 words, this is not the document for a long-winded explanation of your employment history or why you became a therapist.

Aim, instead, for a sentence on your career, one on your philosophy or how you approach your clients, and a hook that makes your reader want to continue. The best way to keep them reading is to tell them how you are going to enhance their practice or solve their problem. You will be able to elaborate within the body of your letter, but first, they have to get there.

Adaptable cover letter introduction example

Dear Mrs. Brierley

With a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis and five years of hands-on experience, I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to your team. The transformative nature of ABA in the lives of my clients with autism is hugely rewarding.

Cover letter middle part (body)

If this were a college essay, you would have reached the paragraphs where you back up your claims. You will do exactly the same thing in the middle part of your ABA therapist cover letter. Use the evidence that most strongly makes your case for employment.

A pithy anecdote about a particular client and the success you had can serve to illustrate both your effectiveness and your style. That’s important because you don’t want just any job, you want the right job or you’ll find yourself back in the job market in no time. 

Use a bulleted list to highlight important details such as how many clients you see a week, how many hours you bill, what type of ABA therapy you use, and any contributions you have made to efficiency, process, or other administrative aspects of your job.

Adaptable cover letter middle part example

At Holyoake Therapy Center, I managed a diverse caseload of 70 clients, implementing creative therapy solutions that led to 96% satisfaction levels. My average length of treatment was 5 months, shorter than the rest of my colleagues. I also initiated a group therapy program for older clients, leading to a 30% improvement in their social skills over six months.

Half of my clients were under 18, so involving parents in the treatment has been a key part of my role. I am at heart an educator and find pleasure in seeing parents understand and manage this most confusing of conditions. I worked closely with the local schools to manage the ongoing integration of my clients and get involved wherever possible to understand the complex dynamics of teenage autism in a school setting. I am proud to have contributed to a 62% improvement in targeted behaviors.

Your approach to furthering ABA awareness in the community is something that I would love to be involved in. I believe that education is crucial in encouraging people to come forward to explore treatment plans for themselves and their children.

How to close an ABA therapist cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

You’ve made such a good impression on your reader that they are still with you as you reach the conclusion of your ABA therapist cover letter. Finish with a tidbit that leaves them wanting more. Plus, make sure they know you want the job with an interview request. 

Reiterate your main point. (I would make a great addition to your staff!) Consider a sentence that reveals why you trained in ABA therapy or the addition of one last achievement that you’d love to discuss in an interview in more detail. Then, politely mention that you are available to discuss the position further before signing off with a “Sincerely,” or “Best Regards,” and your full name.

Adaptable cover letter conclusion and sign-off example

I met Rachel Wise at a recent conference, and she suggested getting in touch about the role. She seemed like someone that I would enjoy working with, so I would look forward to the opportunity of an interview to find out more.



Shane Lace

Basic mistakes in an ABA therapist application letter (and how to avoid them)

  • Getting too cute. Yes, you need to show that you can establish a connection with little ones, but you should be aiming your cover letter at adults, so keep it professional. And while we’re talking about tone, maintain the same tone throughout – even when you are relating an anecdote that is a bit more personal.
  • Failing to address the specific job. Recruiters know a generic letter when they read one. You need to do a little digging to find out about the practice, clinic, or other establishment to which you are applying. Offer solutions to their problems or mention skills and experience that match what they are looking for. Use the name of the organization within the letter as well. The needs of hospitals are very different from those of schools.
  • Typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors. Spellcheck, grammar check, and your neighbor who was an English major are your friends. You may get a pass if you have one small error, but why take a chance?
  • Writing an academic essay. Cut the jargon and overblown language in favor of a straightforward style that sounds like you do when you talk to colleagues.

Key takeaways

  1. ABA therapists guide clients to more positive behaviors. They often work with children on the autism spectrum, but ABA can be helpful to others as well.
  2. A great ABA therapist cover letter showcases empathy and communication as well as knowledge of best practices.
  3. Start out strong with an introduction that propels the reader forward.
  4. Find out a bit about the practice in which you want to work and directly address the needs of the employer in your letter.
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