Finance Manager cover letter example

Hoping to land that great financial management job you saw posted? This finance manager cover letter example and guide can help improve your chances of success. Our step-by-step writing tips and sample sentences are designed specifically for finance managers in 2024. Get started now with a cover letter that is sure to make a great impression on your next employer.
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When it comes to economic forecasts involving financial market fluctuations, little can ever be predicted with certainty. One exception is the seemingly recession-proof job outlook for financial professionals, which is why a superior finance manager cover letter is an essential marketing tool for your in-demand expertise.

You are far more than just a numbers person. Finace sits at the heart of every organization and you help others to maximize their contribution to the bottom line. The finance cover letter needs to offer specifics about how exactly you will do that for a future employer.

For expert advice and support with every cover letter preparation step, is the right place to turn. Our job-winning resources include a wide selection of occupation-specific writing guides and free cover letter examples. In addition, we offer formatting advice, plus field-tested templates and builder tools to help you create both resumes and cover letters. We will guide you, every step of the way.

This cover letter writing guide, along with a finance manager cover letter example, will discuss:

  • The best format for structuring a cover letter that’s compelling, attractive and reader-friendly
  • Optimal impact of each cover letter part: header, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion
  • Writing psychology as shown in our cover letter example
  • Common mistakes found in finance manager cover letter samples
Statistical insight

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job market for financial managers is expected to grow by 15% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. Strong demand is expected for these services in particular that finance managers provide: coordinating investments; cash management, risk management and the planning, directing and coordinating of investments. 

Best format for a finance manager cover letter

Getting started with your finance manager cover letter need not be daunting when approached step by step. Like all letters, the format consists of separate parts, which we’ll go through shortly one at a time. Each section has its own objective. Together they all add up to the favorable first and lasting impression you are striving to make on the hiring manager. 

Expert tip

At first glance, your finance manager cover letter should look the part of the meticulous professional who wrote it: streamlined and uncluttered.

  • Keep it short — 300 to 450 words maximum.
  • Strictly one-page only takes into account a large enough font size, with generous enough margins and line spacing to be easy on the reader’s eyes.
  • Less is more when it comes to dense blocks of unbroken black text.
  • More is better in allowing ample white space for balance and proportion.
  • Creative touches should be minimalist when choosing fonts, text formatting and splashes of color.

A professionally designed template gives you hassle-free, high-quality results. makes it  easy to customize your own version of a good-to-go cover letter in no time. Check out our field-tested cover letter templates in four design categories: simple, creative, modern and professional. 

Time to begin! Your finance manager cover letter will consist of these components:

Here is an adaptable cover letter example for a finance manager that you can customize for your own version, tailored to the position and employer:

Adaptable cover letter example

Dear Mr. Browster,

Having guided my previous two employers through the financial challenges of organizational restructures and personnel downsizing, I am ready for the challenge that lies ahead for Krowson as you shift the direction of your business model.

As a finance manager for a company with under 100 employees, you have to wear many hats. My role in my previous two restructures was to ensure financial transparency and reliable forecasting for all strategic decisions, ensure that the potential for savings was suitably appraised and that enhanced profitability was prioritised ahead of minimizing revenue loss. When you downsize, you need to be making more money for your activity.

My last restructure involved a 17% reduction in headcount, operational budgets slashed by 24% and upgraded technology that involved a $4m investment. I was responsible for the project budget, aspects of financial planning and working with the procurement department on the technology supplier agreements. We beat our planned net profit every quarter by an average of 25% over the next year and realized over $13m in savings.

A degree in finance and accounting began my interest in the academic side of the role and I have since completed over 20 accredited courses in various aspects of commercial finance and strategic planning. When your organization needs to change direction, you need to use every possible financial instrument to give you the firepower to make it happen.

I would welcome the opportunity to visit yuour facility for an interview and to see the scale of the challenges first hand. I am always hands-on in terms of trying to understans the real-life impact of financial decisions and am sure that I can help you to navigate the challenging times that are on the horizon.

Lillian Beckwith

Cover letter header

Make no mistake: there is nothing frivolous about the rationale for your finance manager cover letter to have an eye-catching header. It’s not about decoration. On the contrary, there are functional advantages.

  • No matter where your cover letter lands, on any desk or digital screen, it can be instantly identified as belonging to you. With your name, occupation and contact information prominently displayed at the top, anyone involved at any stage of the recruiting process can readily trace it to your job application and know how to reach you.
  • The noticeable extra effort you put into a distinctive cover letter header is to your value-added benefit. It shows your regard for the visual elements of a reader-friendly document extends beyond financial reports. From a communication standpoint, it could count in your favor when vying for the same job against other qualified financial managers.

You don't need to include your full address in the cover letter header. There are data protection concerns here - you can share it at the offer stage. Also, the "inside address" of the employer is only required for the most formal of circumstances. You are sending your cover letter by email, after all.

Expert tip

A professionally polished pair

Matching the visual styles of your finance manager cover letter and resume — notably in the headers — effectively sets you apart with a “brand” of your own. Off the top, it creates a polished first impression that sustains the reader through both documents with a sense of consistency. It’s a pair of pages that look like they belong together, which they do.

Examples of visually aligned cover letter and resume styles may be viewed in’s template collection.

Goal of the cover letter header: Distinguish yourself from other job applicants with a visually attractive document that shows your regard for detail and high quality. 

Cover letter greeting

The “how” aspect of a cover letter greeting is straightforward if you know who to address. “Dear Mr. / Ms. / Dr. Surname” is virtually failsafe. It’s courteous and businesslike, yet not considered stuffy or outdated. In workplaces or cultures known to be more casual, “Greetings” or “Hello” instead of “Dear” may be okay. If in doubt, err on the formal side. Addressing the recipient by first name is not advisable unless you know each other.

The question of who you are greeting may be less clear cut, especially if no recipient is indicated in the job application instructions. Try to investigate online or make a phone call to find out who is on the receiving end, or otherwise involved in hiring decisions. The importance of addressing someone by name if possible cannot be overstated. Science has proven there is a positive psychological impact on people reading or hearing their name. It also demonstrates you are serious about this job application to the extent of finding out how to make a direct personal connection with the recipient.

Failing your efforts to learn the hiring manager’s name or job title, avoid “To Whom it May Concern'' even as a last resort. Show more consideration by coming up with a somewhat warmer alternative like: “Dear <XYZ Company/Department Team ” or “Dear Finance Manager Hiring Team.” 

Goal of the cover letter greeting: Start off on a professional note by making a direct personal connection with the employer, using the recipient’s name if possible.

Cover letter introduction

The introduction of your finance manager cover letter is pivotal to everything that will follow … if it secures the reader’s attention. In one sense, it delivers the bottom line up front. But at the same time, it should leave enough unsaid for the reader to dig deeper.

In a tone that’s vigorous but poised, your concisely worded elevator pitch should convey that:

  1. Your qualifications are an ideal fit. Use terminology from the job posting in a sentence capturing your directly relevant experience and attributes.
  2. You are keenly interested in this opportunity to work for this employer. Include a remark that shows your high regard for the company’s achievements or reputation.
  3. This hiring organization stands to benefit from what you bring to the position. Pinpoint a specific need that your contribution could fulfill.

Goal of the cover letter introduction: Grab and hold the attention of hiring managers with a compelling preview of your qualifications that motivates them to read more.

Here’s an introduction idea from our finance manager cover letter sample:

Adaptable introduction example

Having guided my previous two employers through the financial challenges of organizational restructures and personnel downsizing, I am ready for the challenge that lies ahead for Krowson as you shift the direction of your business model.

Cover letter middle part (body)

The substance and style of your financial management qualifications meet here in the middle cover letter section. It’s where you “show us the money” to effectively showcase your most relevant accomplishments. And the emphasis should be on tangible results and benefits, not job titles or roles. 

Naturally, prospective financial employers will expect to see facts and figures in the form of dollars and percentages. But don’t shy away from sharing an anecdote or two, especially when describing challenges you navigated and lessons learned. 

Also be sure not to overlook or downplay the soft skills that factor into your success story as a finance manager. Whether you are someone who is likeable and agreeable — working well with people, not just numbers — is something your future bosses and co-workers are interested in. For optimal impact, the body of your cover letter should give readers a clear sense of what the hiring organization would look like with you wearing the finance manager’s shoes.

Aim of the cover letter body: Highlight your most relevant accomplishments in a relatable way, so the employer can envision your potential contributions if hired.

Check out the body section from our finance manager cover letter sample:

Adaptable middle part example

As a finance manager for a company with under 100 employees, you have to wear many hats. My role in my previous two restructures was to ensure financial transparency and reliable forecasting for all strategic decisions, ensure that the potential for savings was suitably appraised and that enhanced profitability was prioritised ahead of minimizing revenue loss. When you downsize, you need to be making more money for your activity.

My last restructure involved a 17% reduction in headcount, operational budgets slashed by 24% and upgraded technology that involved a $4m investment. I was responsible for the project budget, aspects of financial planning and working with the procurement department on the technology supplier agreements. We beat our planned net profit every quarter by an average of 25% over the next year and realized over $13m in savings.

A degree in finance and accounting began my interest in the academic side of the role and I have since completed over 20 accredited courses in various aspects of commercial finance and strategic planning. When your organization needs to change direction, you need to use every possible financial instrument to give you the firepower to make it happen.

Cover letter closing 

You’re almost done. To end your finance manager cover letter, remind the employer of your strongest suit for being hired and add a note of thanks for being considered. Then close with an upbeat call to action that leaves the door wide open for an interview invitation. Perhaps even ask if you could follow up with a call to arrange. At the very least, say how much you look forward to a response. Any indication that you anticipate further contact makes it less easy for your cover letter to be set aside and forgotten.

Now simply sign off with “Sincerely,” Best regards,” or “Best,” above your name. 

Goal of the cover letter closing: End on a positive, self-assured note with a call to action that ideally results in an interview.

Common mistakes to avoid

Not counting the worst mistake of skipping a cover letter altogether, the most commonly encountered pitfalls when submitting one are preventable. Although the types of mistakes may be different than the ones you could never afford to overlook on a balance sheet, be just as scrupulous when it comes to error-proofing your finance manager cover letter. Be sure not to:

  • Send the same generic cover letter with multiple job applications.
  • Waste valuable space with over-used clichés and fluff that add no value.
  • Downplay your soft skills and personality.
  • Ignore typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical gaffes, which apps like Grammarly and old fashioned proofreading were invented to eliminate.
  • Overlook flawed design and formatting, which can be avoided by using a professional template.

Key takeaways for a finance manager cover letter

  1. Exceptionally robust job market growth for finance managers increases the range of opportunities and in-demand qualifications.
  2. By providing insights into your personality and compatibility with the hiring organization, a well-written cover letter can give you a job-winning edge over other candidates with impressive resumes alone.
  3. Each cover letter section reinforces the overall positive impact you aim to make on hiring managers.
  4. Your attention to detail as a finance manager should be reflected in the cover letter design and formatting choices you make. Using a field-tested template relieves you of the guesswork for professional results.
  5. The same degree of care, accuracy and precision you apply to financial document preparation is important to avoid common cover letter mistakes.
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