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Written by Anna MuckermanAnna Muckerman

Administrative Assistant cover letter example

Use this Administrative Assistant cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast – no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Administrative Assistant positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.
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Administrative Assistant cover letter example
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Administrative assistants perform vital roles in large organizations and even small businesses. That’s why hiring managers are looking for candidates who are organized, efficient and great communicators to complete essential clerical tasks alongside larger projects. When it comes to landing an administrative assistant position, your resume is rather limited in its ability to tell your personal story and your previous successes. That’s where a great cover letter comes into play.

An outstanding cover letter can make the difference between a so-so candidate and someone a hiring manager can’t wait to interview. Administrative assistant positions can be competitive, but with this guide and resume.io’s professionally designed tools, you’ve got the knowledge to pass this test with flying colors. If you haven’t already perfected your resume, that’s a great place to start this new professional journey. 

Check out our administrative assistant resume -specific resume examples, templates and general resume writing guide. Now it’s time to get started on a great administrative assistant cover letter. 

This guide, an effective cover-letter example and cover letter samples for other administrative roles, will:

  • Help you understand the purpose and principles of a strong cover letter
  • Explain the best practices for structure and formatting as related to your industry
  • Give you proven psychology principles to help you influence your outcome
  • Teach you to avoid the biggest mistakes made by other applicants in your field.
Administrative Assistant - This guide contains
Administrative Assistant - This guide contains

The purpose of an admin assistant cover letter

Sometimes called an application letter or letter of motivation, a cover letter is a 400- to 500-word document meant to summarize your skills, experience and perspectives in a positive and intriguing way. As you probably already noticed, your assistant resume is rather limited in the ways it can highlight your personality or personal goals. Beyond the profile summary’s hearty paragraph, the rest of the document can feel like a dry amalgamation of workplaces and degrees. That’s why a cover letter is one of the most requested application materials. It’s the best chance for an employer to get to know YOU. You can almost think of it as a pre-interview.

Statistical insight

Does personality matter?

Believe it or not, finding an employee who is not only talented but enjoyable to work with is high on a hiring manager’s list of priorities. One study asked professionals in a range of industries to choose “the single most desirable quality in a worker.” 

The result?  

Nearly 80 percent chose “personality” as their top asset. While this finding is significant, it probably isn’t surprising. After all, who wants to work with a jerk? What this study does do, however, is underline the importance of a strong cover letter that captures the essence of who you are. There may be others with your skills, but an application letter full of charisma and charm can make you stand out as the office assistant who will brighten everyone’s day.

Best format for an administrative assistant cover letter example

It often helps to present your arguments and tell your story when there is a logical cover letter format.

The format of an admin assistant cover letter should contain the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)
Administrative Assistant - The format should contain
Administrative Assistant - The format should contain

The format of an admin assistant cover letter should cover the entire basic picture of how you smooth the path for administrators. It is easy to call yourself “helpful” but much more difficult to describe in detail how you multitask with aplomb, understand the working styles of those you report to and are eager to learn industry specifics. The cover letter sample at the end of this paragraph provides a good illustration of this approach.

The comprehensive cover letter guide offers more general advice about how to go about compiling cover letters, but below you will find specific advice on how to maximize the effectiveness of each specific letter paragraph and section.

This administrative assistant cover letter example is a good foundation to develop your own professional application:

Adaptable cover letter example

Dear Ms. Woods, 

Since my childhood, I have experienced a deep pleasure in keeping every plate spinning. 

When a Spike employee requests administrative assistance, they need to know that you will not only complete what they ask, but also do it to the very highest standard. This requires practiced organizational skills, mental agility and a singular focus on tasks. In my five years of admin experience, I have never missed a deadline and always received the best appraisals for quality of work. Admin assistants need to get things done and do them well. 

You expect your administrative assistants to be familiar with the latest technology, utilize the most cutting-edge communication methods and organize their time so that they can be of the most use to the most people. My weekly productivity blog has 5,500 subscribers, so the latest thinking and practice is not foreign to me.

Five years of administration experience make me the perfect candidate: 

  • Exclusive experience in consumer fashion. I know the demands of the industry.
  • Work ethic – complete 80-100 individual tasks a day – I just love ticking them off.
  • Ambitions to grow. Am about to complete a distance learning business degree.

Busy days put a smile on my face. When tasks are coming at me thick and fast, I don’t let anything drop off the table unless I know that I have done my best. In my role as an administrative assistant, adopting a service-first attitude with all those I work with helps me to make their working days more successful by filling in the gaps.

If I have the skills to do a great job, there is no task that I would not take on. If I don’t possess the skills, I will learn them or ask someone else to help me.

If it sounds like I might be able to make a difference to your Spike family, I would be grateful if you would consider my application. I hope to be a value-added and reliable addition to your administrative team. 

Daniel Murray


Cover letter header

In the past, the header served an important role in formally addressing cover letters sent in the mail. Today, most applications are submitted online so the primary purpose of the header is to identify the document as belonging to you. In many large organizations, a cover letter can float from desk to desk. It’s important that your header expresses the necessary information, like your name, phone number and other contact details so that a hiring manager can get in touch quickly and easily. 

The aim of the cover letter header: Include important contact details without fuss. Attract attention to the letter itself and make it memorable in the mind of the hiring manager.

Expert tip

Adding a touch of flair

Your header also plays a big role in adding visual appeal to your cover letter. It’s the one place your letter may allow for some color or design flourishes. You should use these features sparingly and make sure the style is in harmony with the image your potential employer wants to convey. For example, a bright green border and heavy font might work better for an outdoor goods retailer than a law firm.

You may also try aligning the formatting across your documents including your cover letter, resume and portfolio. One way to make sure you hit the mark without going overboard is to use a professionally-designed template, like these from resume.io.

Cover letter greeting / salutation

Your greeting is a short phrase, but it’s one of the most important for showing that you understand the professional tone of your potential employer. As a general rule, if you’re not sure which tone to take, it’s better to play it safe with a more formal greeting including using the hiring manager’s last name (if you have it). However, there are certain instances where a more casual greeting can show that you truly get the vibe of the workplace and that you’d make a good fit. In general, greetings like “Hi” or “Hello” work much better when the cover letter is being submitted in the body of an email.

The goal of the cover letter greeting: Start your letter on a respectful note that recognizes the professional tone of the company.

Adaptable cover letter greeting example

Dear Ms. Woods, 

Expert tip

The difference a name makes

Studies have shown that hearing our own name activates multiple areas of our brain and produces a positive effect on our psyche. That’s one good reason to include the name of the hiring manager or corporate contact in the greeting of your cover letter. But beyond that, employers often leave the hiring manager’s name in the job posting with the expectation it will be included in the application materials.

If you can’t find a name through the company website or it appears that a team of people will be reading your cover letter, it’s not necessary to go to extreme lengths to address the letter. However, there are alternatives to the disinterested-sounding “To Whom It May Concern.” 

At the very least, aim to use the company name  in the greeting, followed by “Hiring Manager” or a collective noun like “Team.”

Cover letter introduction

As an administrative assistant, some of your main skills should be great communication and efficient customer service. You can demonstrate those traits right from the top of your letter by introducing yourself in a friendly and attention-grabbing way. No single approach works for everyone, but a pertinent professional anecdote or other strong statement can provide a theme that guides the reader throughout the rest of the letter. Plus, you’ll be miles ahead of other candidates who chose to blandly express their interest in XYZ vacancy. 

The aim of the cover letter intro: Capture the reader’s attention with a strong and interesting lead sentence that flows into the body of the letter.

Adaptable cover letter introduction example

Since my childhood, I have experienced a deep pleasure in keeping every plate spinning. 


It cleverly describes multitasking and a passion for it. That one sentence gives an idea of what’s to come and introduces the writer’s personality.

Cover letter middle part (body) 

The body is the main substance of your letter. This is your chance to dive into your biggest accomplishments, motivations and skills. Your goal should be to illustrate your successes through quick examples that explain the situation at hand, the action you took and the positive change it resulted in. This is your chance to expound on areas of your resume that don’t fully capture your determination or abilities. Just remember to keep things moving and include just the right amount of information so that the hiring manager has an interest in talking to you to learn more. Below middle part from the cover letter sample uses specific data to bolster a claim.

Adaptable cover letter body example

When a Spike employee requests administrative assistance, they need to know that you will not only complete what they ask, but also do it to the very highest standard. This requires practiced organizational skills, mental agility and a singular focus on tasks. In my five years of admin experience, I have never missed a deadline and always received the best appraisals for quality of work. Admin assistants need to get things done and do them well. 

You expect your administrative assistants to be familiar with the latest technology, utilize the most cutting-edge communication methods and organize their time so that they can be of the most use to the most people. My weekly productivity blog has 5,500 subscribers, so the latest thinking and practice is not foreign to me.

Five years of administration experience make me the perfect candidate: 

  • Exclusive experience in consumer fashion. I know the demands of the industry.
  • Work ethic – complete 80-100 individual tasks a day – I just love ticking them off.
  • Ambitions to grow. Am about to complete a distance learning business degree.

Busy days put a smile on my face. When tasks are coming at me thick and fast, I don’t let anything drop off the table unless I know that I have done my best. In my role as an administrative assistant, adopting a service-first attitude with all those I work with helps me to make their working days more successful by filling in the gaps.

If I have the skills to do a great job, there is no task that I would not take on. If I don’t possess the skills, I will learn them or ask someone else to help me.


The aim of the body of your cover letter: Get into the details of your most interesting experiences, discuss your problem-solving strategies, give insight into your strengths and work style.

Cover letter closing paragraph

You’ll want to wrap up your letter on a positive note that effectively answers the reader’s question, “What value does this person bring to my company?” One very important aspect of the conclusion is the call to action. This statement invites the hiring manager to get in touch and may even include your contact info if you’d like. You’ll want to come across as upbeat and confident without sounding pushy. Then, close out the letter with a professional goodbye. “Sincerely,” “Best” and “Best Regards” can work well for a variety of industries. 

Adaptable cover letter closing example

If it sounds like I might be able to make a difference to your Spike family, I would be grateful if you would consider my application. I hope to be a value-added and reliable addition to your administrative team. 

Daniel Murray


Writing psychology — cover letter tools and strategies

As an administrative professional, there are a few key qualities that a hiring manager will be looking for to make sure you can handle the company’s internal and external affairs.

  • The right disposition: Administrative assistants are supporting roles. While they might manage projects or handle customer service duties, they are expected to take care of the needs of other office staff with a friendly and professional attitude. Any indication that you’re a complainer or gossiper will be an instant red flag to a hiring manager.
  • Organization: Naturally, an administrative assistant should have the skillset to keep track of all the internal memos, events, client paperwork and schedules that come across their desk. You can also boost credibility by discussing how you use some of the most common programs for your industry, like health software or the Microsoft Office suite.
  • Efficiency: Companies are actively trying to avoid candidates who might slack off all day behind the computer monitor. Your cover letter should give the impression that you have great time management and can accomplish daily responsibilities alongside longer term projects.
  • Longer-term: This is a two-part trait. First of all, a recruiter wants to know that you’ll be a strong and dedicated worker no matter how menial the task may seem. Second, the hiring manager wants to know why you’d excel at their company. Establishing a connection with the brand either through mutual interests or shared values can help you stand out.
Administrative Assistant - A few  key qualities
Administrative Assistant - A few  key qualities

Administrative assistant cover letter example with no experience

You’ve never worked as an admin assistant before, so what now? We’ve told you to use anecdotes and connections in your cover letter and that still holds true. If you’ve held any job before, you have transferable skills, or skills that apply to an administrative role.

If you are entering the job market for the very first time, congratulations on this important step! You certainly have attributes to offer to your prospective employer. Here are some ideas to include in your cover letter:

  • Offices you have held in clubs or organizations
  • Volunteer work
  • Relevant academic or professional courses
  • An example from your daily life that illustrates any of the skills mentioned in the job listing.

Administrative assistant cover letter format and common mistakes 

When applying for this highly competitive role, you’ll want to use these cover letter tips to avoid these common pitfalls:

  1. A generic letter. Chances are, employers are going to get a ton of these, and most of them will quickly hit the trash can. Give a hiring manager a real reason to make them call you. Show them why you don’t just want any administrative assistant job, you want THIS job. Tailor your letter for the job requirements and don’t forget to mention why you’re qualified and motivated to work in this particular industry.
  2. Formatting errors. Your letter shouldn’t look like it was written on knock-off company letterhead, but the formatting should be in line with the image the company wants to convey. In certain industries, bold colors won’t help you stand out so much as make you appear tone-deaf. Professional formatting tools can make achieving this balance much easier.
  3. Spelling and grammar mistakes. As an administrative assistant, your job duties require you to be highly-organized with an eye for detail. A cover letter riddled with typos sends the exact opposite message. Make sure to use a spell-checker or have a friend read over your letter one final time before you submit.
  4. Confidential anecdotes. In this position, you’re privy to a lot of confidential information, both of the personal or professional nature. While you may have helped your boss make wedding travel arrangements that’s a story best left off your cover letter. You don’t want a potential employer to be left wondering which of their secrets might end up in your future job applications.
Administrative Assistant - Tips to avoid common pitfalls
Administrative Assistant - Tips to avoid common pitfalls

Key takeaways

  1. With the job market shrinking in certain industries (and growing in others), administrative assistants are expected to go above and beyond with specialized knowledge of the industry and its organizational needs.
  2. Personality is a key trait that hiring managers look for, especially in a supporting role like this one. Conveying responsibility, a positive attitude and efficiency can go a long way.
  3. Use the psychological principle of liking to develop a personal and emotional connection with the business or industry.
  4. Remember that administrative assistants are expected to be professional and discreet. Avoid the major slip-up of including private or confidential information, either about yourself or your previous employers.
  5. Make sure your formatting is spot-on or you’ll risk a negative first impression. Professional tools can help you get the tone just right.
Administrative Assistant - Key takeaways
Administrative Assistant - Key takeaways

Now it’s time to get out there and create your professional cover letter and land that job. Resume.io makes the process easy with expertly-designed tools to help you craft the perfect cover letter in just minutes!

Build your cover letter in minutes
Build your cover letter in minutes
Stand out and get hired faster with our free, professional cover letter templates. That’s just the start. With 17 other powerful career tools, you can build much more than a cover letter.
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