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Paul Drury

Articles By Paul Drury

With a decade’s experience of writing about job search and recruitment topics, Paul understands the power of words to influence mindsets and alter destinies. His previous recruitment career taught him that the seeds of a successful job search are sown long before you come to writing your resume. Dad of two great teenage kids and husband to a long-suffering writing widow.
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Published in Resume Help

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to introduce yourself (with examples)
A great introduction can set the tone of the rest of the interview and give the employer (and yourself!) confidence in your skills and abilities. Here’s everything you need to know when it comes to making a great introduction.
How to introduce yourself (with examples)
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15 min read

Published in Job Interview

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

What to bring to an interview (and what to leave at home)
What to bring to an interview may seem secondary to preparing for the employer’s toughest questions, but what you decide to take with you and (what you leave at home) can make or break your experience.
What to bring to an interview (and what to leave at home)
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24 min read

Published in Job Interview

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to answer interview questions with the STAR method
Every interview answer needs a structure and the STAR method is a great way to prove competency. Here’s how to apply it in an interview and land your next position!
How to answer interview questions with the STAR method
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21 min read

Published in Job Interview

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

What to wear for a job interview?
With wardrobes and drawers full of clothes, how do you choose what to wear for an interview? Your answer may well be different for each interview that you attend, so make sure that you do your homework on your future employer. Let’s explore a few ideas.
What to wear for a job interview?
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20 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to answer “Why did you leave your last job?”
“Why did you leave your last job?” is a classic interview question that should be answered carefully. A prudent response can help you win over the employer and put you on the path to landing the position.
How to answer “Why did you leave your last job?”
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28 min read

Published in Job Interview

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

60+ Behavioral interview questions – tips and examples
Behavioral interview questions will be on the tip of an interviewer’s tongue for much of any job interview. Your specific role in your past accomplishments will inform them of how you might perform in the future. Answer the questions well and the job is yours.
60+ Behavioral interview questions – tips and examples
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25 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

10 Leadership skills to include on your resume + examples
Sharing your array of leadership skills is essential to securing your dream job, so which ones do you showcase on your resume and how do you talk about them?
10 Leadership skills to include on your resume + examples
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19 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

25 Essential analytical skills for your resume
Being analytical means seeking a better understanding of the world around us. These abilities are an essential consideration for employers when looking to make their next hire. Here’s how to deliver.
25 Essential analytical skills for your resume
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17 min read

Published in Career

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to write a resignation email in 2024 (with examples)
In the world of remote working, making a graceful exit from your position might come in the form of a resignation email. Here’s how to write one that gets the job done – literally.
How to write a resignation email in 2024 (with examples)
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16 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

14 time management skills: definitions and examples for your resume
How you manage your time at work can strongly impact the employer’s bottom line and even make or break your career. Hiring managers are scouring your resume for time management experience. Here’s how to deliver.
14 Time management skills: Definitions and examples for your resume
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22 min read
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