The Elevator

A blog to elevate your resume, job search & career to the top floor!
Detail-Oriented? How to Share It on Your Resume
Detail-oriented? How to share it on your resume

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

A detail-oriented approach is required in many professions, but how do you ensure that your meticulous methods stand out on your resume?
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Published in Resume Help

by Karl KahlerKarl Kahler

What does CV stand for?
What does CV stand for, and what is someone asking for when they require a CV? Curriculum vitae (CV) means “course of life". It's usually a short summary of a job candidate’s experience and qualifications. But in some cases it refers to an “academic CV,” a much longer document used in academia to highlight educational experience in greater detail.
What does CV stand for?
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11 min read

Published in Cover Letter

by Karl KahlerKarl Kahler

To whom it may concern: just don’t
“To Whom It May Concern” is an old-fashioned way of writing a letter greeting when you don’t know the name of the correct person to address. But it should never be used in a cover letter in which you’re seeking a job. Here are some alternatives.
To Whom It May Concern: Just Don’t
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12 min read

Published in Cover Letter

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to write or request a letter of recommendation
Job search prospects can be transformed when a credible external perspective is shared in a letter of recommendation.
How to Write or Request a Letter of Recommendation
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16 min read

Published in Cover Letter

by Anna MuckermanAnna Muckerman

How to write a cover letter with no experience
When you don’t have much experience in the field you’re applying to, writing a cover letter can feel like a daunting task. While you might be tempted to submit your application without one, that would be a big mistake.
How to write a cover letter with no experience
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24 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Anna MuckermanAnna Muckerman

Certifications on a resume (best tips + examples)
There are certain jobs where your certification is arguably the most important piece of information on your resume (think CPA or RN.) Then there are positions where a certification will set you far above the competition like PMP or A+, for example.
Certifications on a resume (best tips + examples)
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13 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Paul DruryPaul Drury

Technical Skills for a Resume (guide with examples and how-tos)
There are certain occupations in the technology-led STEM fields of science, IT, engineering, data science and maths that require a whole different level of technical skill and industry expertise.
Technical Skills for a Resume (guide with examples and how-tos)
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20 min read

Published in Cover Letter

by Karl KahlerKarl Kahler

What to include in a cover letter
Knowing what to include in a cover letter — and what to leave out — is the key to writing what could be the most important letter of your life.
What to include in a cover letter
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25 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Anna MuckermanAnna Muckerman

How to upload your resume in LinkedIn (3 methods)
LinkedIn is one of the world’s most popular tools for finding and applying to jobs. By building an impressive LinkedIn profile and adding your resume to the platform, you can attract the attention of recruiters or even increase your professional connections in a few simple steps.
How to upload your resume in LinkedIn (3 methods)
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31 min read

Published in Career

Which colleges produce the most founders?
Do you have ambitions to start your own company? Should you be eyeing a place in a top school? have found out which schools in the U.S and U.K produce the most founders.
which colleges produce the most founders
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16 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Karl KahlerKarl Kahler

How to list hard skills on your resume
There’s really no such thing as an unskilled worker — pretty much everyone is good at something. And whatever field you work in, you need to know how to list hard skills on your resume to let employers know what you’re capable of doing.
How to list hard skills on your resume
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15 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Anna MuckermanAnna Muckerman

Strengths in resumes
The best resumes are full of your strengths – not simply abilities you possess, but traits and knowledge that set you apart. Adding personal strengths in your resume allows you to highlight your expertise and mastery of the field. With the right resume strengths, hiring managers will quickly see you as a fierce contender for that perfect position.
Strengths in resumes
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20 min read
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Build your resume in 15 minutes
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