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Written by Charlotte GraingerCharlotte Grainger

Is it time for a career change? What to do if it is

17 min read
Is it time for a career change? What to do if it is
Do you daydream about changing careers? If you long for a more fulfilling day job, there’s no time like the present. In the following guide, we reveal everything you need to know about starting afresh.

Whether you’re bored, unfulfilled, or simply want a new challenge, it might be time for a career change. However, before you make this move, there are some things you need to consider. We’ve got you covered.  In the following guide, we will be covering these points: 

  • Whether it is the right time to make a serious career change
  • The benefits of going after a new career
  • Telltale signs that you are long overdue a new position
  • Expert advice you need when changing careers.

Is it the right time for a career change?

Are you thinking of joining the Great Resignation? Between the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and August 2023, millions of workers left their jobs. The new approach to work and rise in remote options lead to many professionals reevaluating what they want from a career. 

If you are considering changing careers, now may be the ideal time. While this will never be an easy transition, it boasts a world of benefits (which we will take a look at!). Plus, since new roles are appearing all of the time, you should find that there are countless opportunities out there.

When is it too late to change careers?

The short answer is never. It doesn’t matter whether you are 20, 40, or 60, there’s always time to switch gears and try something new. Don’t simply stay in the same role because you think that you have to. The truth is that fear alone holds people back. 

Despite the fact that almost half of British workers want to make a career change, 26% fear that they are too old to do so. However—as we will discuss later in this guide—there are plenty of ways you can go about changing careers. Whatever your age or background, there are plenty of avenues you can take that will help you to land your dream job. 

The benefits of changing careers 

Before you look at how to change careers, let’s talk about why you should bother. We won’t beat around the bush, switching things up can be challenging. However, there are plenty of reasons that you should make this move. Let’s take a look at the core benefits here: 

  • Get a new lease of life. If your current role is unfulfilling, there’s something you can do about that. Changing careers will give you a new lease of life. Choose a profession that you are genuinely excited about. It will make all the difference.
  • Move with the times. The professional world is forever-changing. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need your finger on the pulse. Changing careers is a smart way to stay super employable as new industries start to take off.
  • Earn more money. Jobs aren’t all about money. But having a decent salary can make life easier, especially with the cost of living crisis. Since everyday life is now more expensive than ever, looking for higher paid positions could lessen the load.

As this is a major, life-altering decision, you should not take it lightly. Before you decide to change careers, make sure that you weigh-up the pros and cons. Creating a detailed action plan will help you to understand the steps you need to take to start a new pathway. 

7 Signs you need a career change now

Considering making the change? If you are unsure about whether this is the right move for you, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s take a look at seven of the key indicators that you need to change careers sooner rather than later. 

1. You’re not progressing 

Progression is the key to success. Whatever industry you work in, you’re going to want to move forward and climb that career ladder. So, if you have been in the same job for years without any chance of progression, it may be time to make a career change. 

It’s not simply about promotions, either. Consider whether you are getting any learning and development opportunities. Since the technological world is catapulting forward, you want to keep up. For that reason, it’s vital to gain proper upskilling opportunities in the workplace. 

2. You find the work dull 

The average Brit will spend 3,515 days of their life at work. Let that sink in for a moment. If you find your work boring, that is a massive waste of your time and energy. While we all need jobs to pay the bills, it’s important to recognise when you find a certain position uninspiring.

One of the main differences between a career and a job is that careers are meaningful. That’s not to say that you have to jump ship before you’ve prepared the lifeboats. You can remain in your current job while looking for other, more appealing options. 

3. The workplace is toxic 

People don’t quit jobs, they quit workplaces. If your workplace is toxic, you don’t need to put up with it. Before you decide to change careers, you can try the following: 

  • Speak to HR. Keep a clear record of the problems you have encountered and take this to a member of the HR team. Be direct about the changes that need to be made.
  • Change your approach. Look at the small changes you can make that will improve your workplace. Leading by example could have a ripple effect across the business.
  • Get some support. Reach out to the people around you and ask for support. Speaking up about the issues you are encountering can make a huge difference.
  • Look for advice. Speak to an expert at Citizens Advice, and find out what your options are. It’s important to know where you stand from a legal point of view, too.

When you have tried all of the above (and you’re still unhappy), think about the changes you can make. You might find that it is time to change careers entirely and try something new. 

4. Your pay has stayed static

Has your salary stayed the same for a matter of years? If the answer is yes, you might want to start looking elsewhere. While money is not everything, it would be stupid to pretend that it doesn’t matter. It’s normal to expect regular pay increases whatever sector you work in. 

Of course, there could be many reasons that you have not had a raise. Perhaps your company has low budgets or the industry is struggling. However, that is not your problem. It’s perfectly acceptable to look at changing careers if you want to gain a better income overall. 

5. You’re working too much 

Are you overworked? If you are finding it hard to keep your head above water, it’s time to do something about it. Looking for a new career could be the answer. While pulling a few late shifts is not a major problem, if this is the norm in your line of work, you might want to have a rethink.

Consider what you want from your job. Do you need flexibility? Are you looking for hybrid work? Do you want more control over your own time? Do you need a lower workload? Answering these questions will help you decide whether you need to have a career change. 

6. The industry is struggling 

Watch out for red flags that your industry is struggling. If there are problems within your field, it may be wise to look for a new career. The modern world is always shifting and it’s important to notice these changes. Everything from new technology to the rise in AI will impact careers. 

Should you notice that there are more redundancies than ever before, for example, it could be time to switch things up. Taking on a new career is a smart way to future-proof your income.  

7. You’re wasting your talents 

What talents have you been hiding? Perhaps you’re an amazing artist, a wordsmith, or a master chef in the making. If you have these skills and you’re not putting them to use, think about having a career change. Put simply, you can make your hobby your profession. 

While it can be scary to take the leap and switch careers, you might find that it’s the best move you ever make. In the end, you could gain a fulfilling career you’ve always dreamt of.

Expert tip

Are you suffering from work burnout?

If you feel as though you need a career change, you may be experiencing burnout. According to Mental Health UK, one in four of us are unable to manage stress and pressure in our lives. This can result in the common signs of this condition: 

  • Fatigue or feeling drained
  • Feeling isolated
  • Negative thought patterns
  • Procrastinating
  • Lack of productivity
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Experiencing self-doubt

It’s important to put your mental health first. If you are experiencing all or any of the above, it’s time to do something about it. While switching jobs is one approach, you may want to try prioritising sleep, taking some leave, or speaking to a therapist first. 

Revealed: the career change advice you need 

Have you decided that it’s time to change careers? If so, you’ve come to the right place. While there’s not just one route to establishing a new career, there is some common advice you can follow. Check out the below tips to help you get started along the way.

Do your research first 

Before you do anything else, you need to do some research. Here are the questions that you should aim to answer: 

  • What industry do you want to work in (and why)?
  • Is there a specific role that you have in mind?
  • How much can you expect to get paid?
  • Is this a booming sector?
  • What skills do you need to gain a job?
  • Do you need any specific qualifications?

Use the above as a check-list. The answers to each of these questions should give you a decent idea of whether this is a viable career choice for you. Remember, the more information you have at this point, the easier you will find it to make a clear and smart decision. 

Learn new skills 

Now that you know what skills you need, it’s time to get them. Your aim is to show potential employers that you are willing to upskill. Let’s take a look at some of your options: 

  • Take a course. Look into evening classes, on-the-job training schemes, and online courses. For example, you may want to use LinkedIn Learning or Skillshare.
  • Upskill at work. Are there any transferable skills you can hone at your current workplace? Look for ways that you can add new talents to your roster here.
  • Gain qualifications. If you have the time and resources, it may be worth returning to university or college. Consider whether this is the right choice for you.
  • Start an apprenticeship. Does your career of choice offer apprenticeships? For some positions, this is a viable way to learn new skills and break into the industry.

Whatever path you choose, know that the important thing is that you are always learning. Each step you take—however small it may be—takes you closer to gaining your dream job. 

Revamp your CV and cover letter

When you are ready to start applying for jobs, you need to revamp your CV. Chances are, your existing document is not fit for purpose. You need to write a career change CV that outlines why you are switching industries. Make this as clear as possible for the reader.

It doesn’t end there. You can expand on this topic in your cover letter, too. Show the hiring manager why this move makes sense for you, what you bring to the table, and why you are doing it at this point in your career. Weaving a captivating narrative is the way to go.  

Expert tip

Get some inspiration! 

When it comes to writing your CV, it’s always smart to get some inspiration. Check out our wide library of CV examples before you start working on your next application.

Network, network, network

Entering a new field can be hard, not least because you don’t know anybody. Now is the time to start networking. You can do this on LinkedIn and IRL at networking sessions. It’s all about getting your name out there and letting decision-makers know who you are. 

When meeting other professionals, you need to have your elevator pitch at the ready. In 20 seconds or less, you should be able to tell them why you are changing careers, and what you can offer them. Practise this before you begin networking so that you are prepared. 

Prepare to start from the bottom 

Spoiler alert: when you change careers, you might have to start from the bottom. That is one of the reasons that many people resist making the move. However, you should understand that this sacrifice will help you gain the job that you want later in life. When you have done all of the above, it’s time to start looking for entry-level jobs in the industry you want to work in.

Key takeaways 

Changing careers is hardly a walk in the park. However, as we have covered, there are many benefits to making this move. No matter what job you desire, it’s important to do some research and see whether it is viable first. If it is, there are plenty of ways to change careers whatever your age and background. Why not start looking into your options today?

Applying for new jobs? Check out our CV builder now and choose from a beautiful selection of CV templates. Get ahead of the competition in no time!  

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