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Written by Paul DruryPaul Drury

How to put publications on a resume

10 min read
How to put publications on a resume
Artwork by:Rita Cherepanova
Putting relevant industry publications on a resume is a popular way of enhancing your job application. If you have had the opportunity to share a message that has proven popular with an audience, why wouldn’t you want to share it with a prospective employer?

While listing publications on a resume (or academic CV) is essential for an applicant with an academic or scientific background, the growing impact of media consumption on social media means that more of us are sharing our expertise in various ways. Whether you are publishing your thoughts in an article for a reputable industry outlet or contributing a chapter to an e-book, the argument for including your relevant publications in your resume is a compelling one.

Anything that enhances your professional reputation should be in your resume. Whether you work in marketing, sales, technology, or other professions, listing a few publications could give you an advantage over your competition. Resume space is at a premium, so whether you would benefit from a publications section is not a straightforward decision. 

Here is what we look at in this blog:

When should you put publications on a resume?

  • What sort of publications could you list?
  • How to put publications on the resume
  • How to cite academic publications

Make sure that you include publications that you would like to discuss during the interview. Are they the sorts of content that your future boss would like to read?

Expert tip

What counts as a publication on a resume? 

While written print and online content might traditionally be considered for publication sections, the proliferation of video has meant that video is an additional medium to record conference presentations, seminars, and guest speaking slots. In this blog, we use the term “publication” for when someone shares their industry experience, no matter what the medium.

When should you put publications on a resume?

Conventional wisdom suggests hiring managers only glance at a resume for six seconds. That may be the case for an initial scan, but when they become interested in you as a candidate, they will want to explore your experience beyond what is written on your resume. Listing your most relevant publications and speaking experiences is a powerful way of showcasing your expertise. 

The more that they find out about you before the interview, the deeper they will be able to dig when they meet you. You might not think that this is a good thing, but you can be sure that the candidate that they feel they know the best will be the one who has the optimal chance of getting that magical offer letter (if they are a good fit for the role).

In many industries, a publications section is fast becoming a common addition to resumes. As mentioned earlier, this is no longer confined to academic and scientific circles. Whether you are working in marketing, sales, finance, technology, or operations and wish to share your thoughts with the world, industry leaders find an appropriate forum and play a part in helping others to develop. 

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What sort of publications should you list?

There are different types of publications that you may consider including in a resume. For the purposes of this article, alongside the written word, we believe that you should also consider including any conference/seminar presentations and video blogging experience in this section. Any of the following types of public communication may serve to impress the hiring manager:

  • Writing for industry press (online or print)
  • Guest articles for high-traffic content websites
  • A link to your professional (or personal) blog
  • Conference and seminar speaking opportunities
  • Popular YouTube videos that showcase your expertise

Sharing your thoughts with a wider audience demonstrates confidence in your opinions that any employer will welcome. If what you have shared is relevant to the role and will further your application, consider including it. Too many people sit quietly in meetings and let events develop around them – listing your publications will show that you are someone to stand up and say something when it needs saying.

If you are a regular writer for a publication or if you have your own YouTube channel, it may be a better idea to include a link to your author page. When you have limited space for a list of publications, this will allow a hiring manager to see your range of writing.

How do you put publications on a resume?

Listing your publications and public speaking is a simple matter of a bullet-pointed list, but some careful thought should be given to the formatting on the resume. This list will likely only take up half of the page, so consider whether you may want to include two bullet points per line. Resume space is precious and while PDF formatting will not change, this approach should not cause too much confusion in various versions of Word, or when converted by ATS software.

Here is how you should list them:

  1. Create a separate resume section called “Publications.”
  2. Lead with the title of the publication or speech.
  3. List where it was published with the title.
  4. Only choose well-known industry media and events.
  5. Use two bullets per line if you have space.

Investing some space in an area for publications shows that you have something to share with the world. No one wants to work with someone who is just out for themselves with no interest in enhancing the lives of others. If you don’t have anything to say in the publications section, ask yourself why? In certain careers, this looks great for a potential employer. Have a look at the following publication examples:

Expert tip

Examples of publications bullet points:

  • “B2C Marketing for the Metaverse,” TechWorld Magazine, May 2019
  • “Data Science in Higher Education,” Educ8 Website, Nov 2021
  • “Efficiencies in the Pharma Supply Chain,” Med22 Conference, Jan 2022
  • “The Power of Persuasion,” personal blog (88 posts), May 2017 – present
  • “Lillian Talks Shop” YouTube channel about retail, Feb 2019 - present

It may be tempting to put down more information about your publications such as readership, conference attendees or viewing figures, but remember that your resume serves as a conversation starter for an interview. Balance the desire to impress with the need to use the space efficiently. If you can fit two bullet points on one line, dispense with the extra detail. If your numbers are stratospheric, then definitely include them.

How to cite academic publications

Academic publications are somewhat different from those in industry. While industry publications are an interesting addition to a resume career story, academic publications are one of the stars of the show for any college or university professor. The academic CV is very different from a normal resume. Any academic will be proud of their large corpus of professional contributions and they know that their chances of an interview will depend on their mix of research experience. Listing academic publications in detail is critical and this is why many academic CVs will be longer than the standard two pages.

Here is a guide on how to list academic publications:

  • List any published books at the top of the list, with book chapters afterward.
  • Peer-reviewed publications should come first – this adds extra credibility.
  • Contributions to (print and online) industry outlets should be included.
  • Only list articles in trade association magazines if they are relevant.
  • Finish with the most relevant non-peer-reviewed content – be selective.

No academic hiring manager will have the time to read every publication. While they should be listed in the order above, you may wish to consider putting the most relevant publications in bold font to highlight their importance.

Expert tip

Academic publications should be listed in the MLA format:


Key takeaways

A publications section on a resume can be a persuasive tool to secure you an interview, but only include it if it is suitable for your industry and if you have enough quality to include. If you only have one or two publications or speaking appearances that are worthy of comment, consider including them in your work experience or interests/hobbies sections. This is not a mandatory section, so make sure that it is impressive.

  • Include publication in the correct format with links where appropriate.
  • Don’t hesitate to share a wide range of publications and appearances.
  • Tailor your list of publications for each job – make it relevant.
  • If you are an academic, put your long list of publications in the MLA format.
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