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Written by Rolf BaxRolf Bax

How to reject and be rejected during job interviews

Perfect your interview
26 min read
How to reject and be rejected during job interviews
Job rejection isn’t nice, but it happens. Whether you’ve lost out on a job or are turning down a role that isn’t right, we’ll show you how to handle it. Rejection is a part of life, so it’s time to figure out the best ways to handle it.

Being rejected after a job interview can be tough. Job rejection can hurt your feelings and damage your confidence. But you know what?

Rejection is a part of life.

It happens to us all. That girl or boy turning down your invitation for a date, losing out in a school talent competition, your Mom saying you can’t have a fourth cookie (that still hurts) — all forms of rejection. Job rejection is just another thing to add to the list.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to deal with job rejection and turn it into a positive. We’re also going to give you tips on how to do some job rejecting of your own. Because, sometimes, a job that seemed right might not be what’s best for your future.

Signs you didn't get the job after an interview

There are times when a job rejection will catch you completely off guard and times where it’s the obvious outcome. With the latter, the signs tend to be there during the interview. If any of these things are apparent in the interview room, it might be best to expect the worst.

The interview gets cut short

If a scheduled 45-minute interview ends with you being shepherded out of the door after 10 minutes, the interviewer has everything they need for job rejection. There are typically two reasons for this:

  1. You’ve upset them in some way.
  2. They’ve found the person they want and are seeing you to be polite.

There was no spark

Sometimes people don’t click. Often there’s no reason for it other than a lack of chemistry. If there’s no connection, you’ll know about it.

According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55% Rule, 93% of communication is nonverbal. Body language speaks volumes — you’ll get a sense that there’s no spark without a word ever being spoken.

They weren’t interested

If the interviewer seems interested in anything except what you have to say, it’s not a good sign. But this probably has more to do with them than you. Maybe they’ve already found the person they’re looking for or don’t really believe this is a position that needs to be filled.

If you attend an interview and the interviewer is clock watching or taking no notice of your answers, there's nothing you can do but chalk the job rejection up to experience.

You didn’t ask any questions

Interviewers expect you to ask questions. It shows them you’re keen about the job and interested in the company, and that you’ve done your research. When you’re asked if you have any questions, have two or three prepared. According to legaljobs.io, 47% of candidates fail job interviews because they didn't know enough information about the company that they were interviewing for. Do your research or job rejection is guaranteed.

Find inspiration for your questions by studying the job description and digging for the company online. The ideal question is one that’s not too difficult to answer but is not a simple yes or no question. Some good examples are:

  • What do you think are the most important qualities needed to flourish in this role?
  • Where are the biggest challenges/opportunities facing the company right now?
  • What do you like best about working here?
  • Can you describe the culture of the company?

What you don’t want to do is ask the wrong questions. Those are bad, if not worse, than keeping your mouth shut. Avoid questions like:

  • So, what does the company do?
  • When I can take time off for vacation?
  • How many warnings do you get before you’re fired?
  • When do I start?

You couldn’t answer a big question

Interviews are designed to test you, and interviewers will typically have one killer question that is set up to make or break the candidate. Fail to answer it and job rejection looms large.

Often, there's no right or wrong answer but the interviewer will want to see that you’ve done your research and know enough about the role or industry to be considered.

So, the key is to prepare.

Research the company as much as possible online before the interview — find out everything there is to know. Study the job description thoroughly so you know exactly what the role entails, and make sure you’re ready to backup everything you’ve said on your resume.

If you’ve done your homework, answered all the questions as best you could, avoided some big interview no-no's, and put forward some good questions of your own and the interview still doesn’t go well, it’s probably them and not you.

And, hey — at least with a bad interview you know what the outcome is going to be!

Expert tip

The interview went well, so why was I rejected? Perhaps we should reframe this question. It is your opinion that the interview went well. It may not have been the opinion of the interviewer (for whatever reason), or alternatively it may have gone well from their point of view, but there was simply a better candidate. The key fact about job rejection is that it is almost always final, so make an appropriate response your first priority.

How to respond to a job rejection

Finding out you didn’t get the job you wanted isn’t nice. In fact, it’s downright horrible. It leaves you feeling disheartened and dejected, especially when you’ve gone in fully prepared and done everything asked of you.

But job rejection happens. A lot.

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Winston Churchill, the famous British bulldog in human form, had a few things to say about persistence. He made that pretty clear in a commencement speech from 1941 in which he said,

Of course, if you’re reading this fresh off a job rejection, ‘it happens’ isn’t going to offer much comfort, so how about this…

In January 2009, after leaving their jobs at Yahoo and taking a year out to travel around South America, computer programmers, Brian Acton and Jan Kroum, applied for jobs at Facebook.

Both were rejected.

Brian then applied for a job at Twitter, only to be knocked back once again. Faced with a stint of unemployment, the pair decided to team up and create a new messaging app to launch on the then seven-month-old Apple App Store.

In February 2009, WhatsApp Inc. was incorporated. In 2014, Acton and Kroum agreed to sell the app to Facebook for $19 billion USD.

Or this…

After graduating from Stanford Law School in 1992 and working as a clerk for a year on the 11th Circuit, Peter Thiel was selected as one of a handful of clerks to be interviewed with two of the Justices — a job that would set him up for life.

He went in confident, sure he had what it took to land the prestigious role. But it wasn’t to be. The job went to someone else.

So Peter went on to work other jobs, as a securities lawyer, then as a derivatives trader, and a speechwriter before quitting and moving to California.

Without a job, Thiel decided to embark on a venture capital career and, in 1998, launched his first venture, Confinity, with friends Max Levchin and Luke Nosek. A year later, Confinity launched PayPal, now the biggest online payments system in the world.

The moral of those two stories is this: good things can come from rejection. It’s all about how you react to it. If you’ve got your hopes set on landing a job and it doesn’t go your way, here's how to deal with it.

Don’t take job rejection too personally

Not everything is about you. That sounds harsh, but it’s meant in a good way, I can assure you. If you’re rejected from a job, it’s natural to take it to heart and look at yourself as the problem

  • “What did I do wrong?”
  • “Was it something I said?”
  • “Why did I go in for the hug when he clearly reached out for a handshake?”
  • “I knew eating garlic before the interview was a terrible idea.”

How you performed in the interview isn’t the be all and end all. Hiring managers take a number of things into account, such as the strength of your resume, relevant experience, and particular skills.

It could be that an internal candidate was moved into the role or someone with a bit more experience in doing the job was preferred. You can’t control these things.

All you can do is put forward a solid resume, prepare, and do your best. If you’ve done that and get a job rejection, take comfort in the fact you did everything you could. It just wasn't meant to be this time.

Use this template

Be gracious and show gratitude

Job rejection is a stinger, but it’s important that you react in the right way. Because being told 'no' isn’t the end of the process. What if the employer's first choice turns down the role or turns out to be a nightmare to work with?

You might be the person they come to.

But only if you’ve been a pleasure to deal with and not told them to shove the job because you didn’t want it anyway.

Show gratitude that they have considered you for an interview, as you can be certain that they will have rejected many others even before the interview stage. There might also be another job opening that you’re perfect for after your disappointing job rejection and your response to the initial interview can put you in pole position.

Always handle job rejection gracefully and respond positively.

If a rejection email lands in your inbox, here’s a great example of how to respond from Ask A Manager’s Alison Green:

Example of a job rejection letter

Dear Mr Harper,

While it pains me to see this opportunity go, I want to thank you for getting back to me. 

I also want to thank you for taking the time to meet with me. 

It was such a pleasure to meet you and ___ and learn about the organization. After spending the time talking with you and doing my research, I really do believe that the ___ industry is where I want to work. 

I know that I am not in a position to ask for favors, but if you have a moment to spare I would love any additional feedback. 

Please do not feel obligated to answer this question, but if there was something you noticed, it will help me in my job search and I would be most appreciative. 

I hope everything works out with you and your new intern.


Trevor Martindale


This example ticks all the boxes:

  • It’s concise
  • It’s polite
  • It shows gratitude
  • It asks for feedback

On that last one, feedback — that’s something that’s really important...

Expert tip

Is it okay to ask why I didn't get the job?

Employers typically won’t give feedback to unsuccessful applicants so you’ll need to ask for it, preferably in an email like Alison Green's. Rejection is not feedback - there are many reasons that hide behind that initial "no."

You might not get a full breakdown of why you didn’t land the job and there’s a chance you won’t be thrilled with the feedback, but it can make all the difference for how you approach your next job application and interview.

Asking for feedback also shows the employer that you’re keen to learn from where you went wrong — a very attractive quality in a candidate.

Don’t dwell on it

It’s fine to feel down about not getting a job and by all means, give yourself some time to grieve by eating ice cream in your pajamas. But don’t stay down for too long — 24 hours max. And don’t let self-pity creep in, that’ll only put you in a bad mood which, if allowed to, can lead to depression.

Put the disappointment into perspective. It’s not the end of the world!

There are plenty more employers out there that will be lucky to have you. Finish off your ice cream, get a good night’s sleep, and climb back aboard your metaphorical job hunting horse.

Reconsider your resume and cover letter

It may be that your resume and cover letter are not leading the potential employers in the optimal direction. If you have certain parts of your experience that you feel might be a great fit for the role, make it clear in your job search application. Employers will lead the interview questioning, so if you are being rejected for roles, maybe they are not asking you the sorts of questions that will showcase your experience in the best light.

We do not suggest a knee-jerk reaction to changing your resume after a couple of interview rejections (as there may well be many other reasons), but it is worth analysing the content of the interview and whether these two documents could help to prompt a more profitable conversation.

Avoid feeling sorry for yourself and build resilience

Feeling sorry for yourself after a rejection is a dangerous temptation as it somehow feels so comforting. It feels good to deny all the reasons for rejection, wallowing in self pity rather than forensically understanding exactly why things didn't quite go to plan.

If you are brutally honest about exploring the reasons for rejection, there is every chance that you will contribute to a future success. This will in turn build your levels of resilience when you get your next setback and it will form a virtuous circle. A job search is one of those life occasions when rejection can truly hurt, but the resilience that you build as a result can have a huge effect on all sorts of future challenges. Reframe that rejection positively.

Refine your search priorities

Approach each new job application with a positive attitude and a fresh perspective. Rather than applying for every job in your industry, focus on vacancies best suited to your experience and skill-set. Study the job ad and company and tailor your resume to suit.

Work on quantifying achievements and skills so that they stand out to employers and write your resume in a way that shows them what they want to see.

If you’re hunting for your first job, prioritize education to showcase the training you’ve done.

How to reject an interview letter

How to reject an interview letter
How to reject an interview letter

Job rejection isn’t a one-way street. A reject interview letter can come from the applicant as well. As a job seeker, more often than not, you’re the one on the receiving end of job rejection. However, there may be times when you’re the one that has to do the rejecting, and some reject interview letters are not easy to compose. Whether you are rejecting an interview letter from a recruiter or you are stepping away from an opportunity further along the line, no one likes to let another person down.

Reject interview letter? Why would you do that?

Well, there are multiple reasons for a reject interview letter, from a recruiter or an employer. Whether the job isn't a fit, the package isn't at a suitable level or the location isn't right, the worst thing that a job seeker can do is ignore it and move onto the next opportunity. Rejecting the interview letter is one thing, but you can still use it to your advantage.

Example of how to reject an interview letter

Dear Mr. Sanders,

I write to let you know that I appreciate your invitation to interview for the marketing role at Jenners.

While it is not quite the right fit for me in terms of seniority, I admire your company culture and would love to hear back from you if something comes up that is more focused on digital or customer experience.

I am a keen follower of your company on socials and will be happy to keep in touch from afar.


Jenny Bingham


The vast majority of candidates will not respond to opportunities that are not right for them, but there is great benefit in building candidate / recruiter / employer relationships whenever you have the chance. Invest in this and future opportunities will continue to come your way. Rejecting the interview letter with succinct reasons and a positive outlook for the future will not do your standing any harm.

How to decline an interview over the phone

It will often be the case that you will receive a phone call out of the blue from a recruiter or a potential employer. Emails are very easy to ignore, but if they have found your phone number on your online resume, calling you is the best way to try to develop enough of a rapport to avoid job rejection.

Many jobs simply aren't easy to recruit for and you would be surprised how many times recruiters hear that "thanks, but no thanks" over the phone. Declining an interview over the phone in a polite and constructive manner and spending the time to hear the recruiter's pitch is something that is sadly rare. This common courtesy of thoughtful job rejection can lead to becoming memorable and maybe getting a more suitable offer next time.

Five situations when job rejection comes from the job seeker

You should never accept a job purely because it’s a job. It has to be right for you personally, professionally and financially.

If you’ve been offered a role and any of these things apply, you’ll need to be ready to dish out a slice of cold, stale rejection pie.

  • The job wasn’t what you thought
  • You couldn’t agree on terms
  • You were put off during the interview
  • You’re not ready to make the life changes required
  • You were offered a better deal elsewhere

The next step is to work out how to do it.

In writing or over the phone?

Putting your reasons for turning down a job in writing is always the best way to go. An email (or letter if you’re old school) leaves a paper trail, which eliminates any confusion or potential disputes over whether you accepted or rejected a job.

It also matter of fact. There are no mixed signals and no opportunity for coercion or being talked around by a hiring manager.

A quick phone call to a hiring manager to follow up your email can be a nice gesture which helps maintain a friendly relationship, but always make sure your job rejection is in writing.   

How to turn down a job offer

How to turn down a job offer
How to turn down a job offer

Show your appreciation

Always be thankful to the hiring manager for giving you their time. When it gets to the interviewing stage, this person will have spent a few hours looking over your resume and checking you out online (i.e. stalking your social media profiles). They might have even bragged out you being ‘the one.’

You don’t need to go into too much detail about why you’re thankful, just make it clear that you are.

  • Thank you for taking the time to interview me last week. It was great to meet the team and learn more about the company.  

Give your reasons clearly, but briefly

A hiring manager deserves to know why you’re declining the job role but there’s no need to bring up every point. Be honest and to the point. If you’ve accepted a job at another company, say that. If it’s not the right time for you, let it be known.

  • “I genuinely appreciate you offering me the position of Account Manager but after careful consideration, I’ve decided to accept a position at another company.”
  • “Thank you so much for offering me the role of Account Manager. Unfortunately, after much thought and talking it over with my family, I’ve come to the decision that now is not the best time for me to leave my current job.”
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Praise them

After being offered the position, you turning down the role is going to be a kick in the teeth, so it’s nice to take away some of the job rejection sting with a few kind words.

  • “Your company has a great culture and an exciting vision for the future. While the role isn’t right for me at this time, I’ve no doubt you’ll find the ideal candidate and they’ll be lucky to work for your company.”
  • “While the position isn’t right for me at this time in my life, I know enough about your company to know the candidate you choose will enjoy a rewarding career.”

Keep the door open

You never know how things are going to work out. There might come a time when a role at this company is right for you. Or the hiring manager that interviewed you this time could be the person interviewing you for a similar role at a different company in the future.

Offer to keep in touch, even if you never truly expect it to happen. It's the thought that counts.

  • “It’s been a pleasure dealing with you, seeing your passion and getting to know the company. I hope to see you again someday.
  • “Thanks again for your support. Hopefully, we cross paths one day so I can buy you a coffee.”

It’s never easy turning down a job offer, but if you’ve made your decision, don’t drag out the process. Craft a polite, generous and concise email or letter and move on.  

Wrap up

Job rejection isn’t nice. It’s hard to give and even harder to take. Unfortunately, it is something that you will experience at some point.

Whichever side of job rejection you find yourself on, it’s important to handle the situation graciously.

If you’ve just been told you haven’t got the job you wanted, respond positively. Ask for feedback and take what you’ve learned to improve your resume and interview skills.

If you’ve decided that a job you’ve been offered isn’t right, be appreciative. Thank the hiring manager for their time and let them know your reasoning.

Finally, focus on searching for jobs that best suit your skillset and tailoring your resume to fit with what employers want to see. While this is by no means a way to avoid job rejection, it’ll certainly help lessen the chances. And that can only be a good thing, right?


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