Remote work has changed the employment landscape, so when you seek to land your next job, you may wish to inform yourself about the latest trends in the area.
As you strive to decide what working arrangements are best for your situation, it is perfectly understandable that you could have some misconceptions about the current state of remote work. Companies are constantly shifting their organizational priorities and it is fair to say that there are differing views across the board. It is sometimes hard to know what to believe.
Having said this, the remote work trend remains on an upward trajectory. In this blog we aim to cut through the hype with a selection of remote work statistics that may help you to justify the leap. We cover the following:
- Remote work statistics that you should know
- How to position yourself for a remote work role
You no longer need to be bashful when it comes to discussing flexible working arrangements. Many people are happier and more productive if they are away from the office for a proportion of their working week.
If you have done it before and can prove your effectiveness, then great. If you are contemplating it for the first time, don’t worry. Take on board some of these stats and come up with some thoughts about how you can make it happen. Have the courage of your convictions and you may never look back.

Remote work statistics that you should know
Sometimes the possibility of remote work still feels like a mirage that may disappear at any time for many of us. While the pandemic forced it onto employers, many of these fears have proved unfounded. If you are looking for a remote or hybrid role, you should know that it is here to stay. More employers than you think will be open to conversations – they understand that top talent is used to the benefits that flexible working affords.
If you need some support to pluck up the courage to have the remote work conversation with your potential next employer, the following statistics should serve to persuade you that remote work is here to stay. In the right circumstances is beneficial for your career, your health, and your bank balance, amongst other things.
Employers have done their research. Early evidence points towards remote or hybrid workers staying longer with employers and being more productive. Time will tell, but it seems that the workplace has indeed changed. Is it time for you to embrace the remote working trend? Have a think about the following:
Impact on employee happiness. The ability to work remotely increases employee happiness by as much as 20%. Employee happiness decreases as commute times increase. Average happiness scores at work are relatively stable up to a commute time of 60 minutes. Work happiness sharply declines as commute times increase beyond one hour. (Tracking Happiness)
Save money by working at home. There are all sorts of expenses that are involved with traveling to an office, eating away from home, and being dressed for the part (amongst other things). Working at home can save you up to $6,000 per year in a hybrid role and up to $12,000 in a full-time remote work role. (FlexJobs)
Make the most of your time. In 2019, the average worker spent 27.6 minutes commuting one way, or 55.2 minutes round trip. However, by working from home, the average former commuter could spend up to 264 fewer hours annually on a work-related activity. (US census)
Car insurance may even be cheaper. If you drive less than 5,000 miles a year for work, you could qualify for a lower insurance rate. This will depend on your total annual mileage, but not commuting to work will help lower your mileage, which could result in a cheaper insurance rate for you. (Autoinsurance)
D&I is boosted by remote work. Remote work can supercharge your diversity initiatives. When you are open to working with people from anywhere, the pool of diverse talent is as deep as you are prepared to dive (FastCompany)
Are you hooked on remote work? Fifty-eight percent of workers said they would “absolutely” look for a new job if they cannot continue remote work in their current role! An additional 31% said they aren’t sure what they would do, and only 11% said that working remotely is not a big deal. (FlexJobs)
Remote work preferences. The majority of respondents (65%) said they wanted to remain full-time remote workers after the pandemic. Another 33% prefer a hybrid work arrangement, while only 2% say they want to return to the office full-time. (FlexJobs)
Productivity gains? A majority of workers (55%) said productivity has increased while working remotely, and about one-third (33%) said productivity has remained the same. Only 6% of workers think their productivity has decreased, while 6% aren’t sure. (FlexJobs)
Hybrid requirements. Among hybrid workers who are not self-employed, most (63%) say their employer requires them to work in person a certain number of days per week or month. About six-in-ten hybrid workers (59%) say they work from home three or more days in a typical week, while 41% say they do so two days or fewer. (Pew Research)
Permanent WFM dreams. About a third (34%) of those who are currently working from home most of the time say, if they had the choice, they’d like to work from home all the time. And among those who are working from home some of the time, half say they’d like to do so all (18%) or most (32%) of the time. (Pew Research)
Connecting with colleagues. One aspect of work that many remote workers say working from home makes more challenging is connecting with co-workers: 53% of those who work from home at least some of the time say working from home hurts their ability to feel connected with co-workers, while 37% say it neither helps nor hurts. Only 10% say it helps them feel connected. (Pew Research)
Retaining trust. Those who work from home all the time are the most likely to feel trusted: 79% of these workers say their manager trusts them a great deal, compared with 64% of hybrid workers. (Pew Research)
Post-pandemic WFH trends. The number of employees working remotely prior to the pandemic was 30%, compared to 48% now. 62% of employees expect their employers will allow them to work remotely moving forward (Intuition)
Technology not keeping up. Only one-third (36%) of employers have upgraded their video meeting technology since the start of the pandemic. (Owl Labs)
Salary trade-off. 1 in 2 workers (52%) would take a pay cut of 5% or more to have flexibility in working location, with 23% saying they would take a pay cut of 10% or more. (Owl Labs)
Remote work job hopping. About one-third (29%) of workers changed jobs within the past year, with an additional 9% still looking for their next role. And almost 2x more remote workers switched jobs than those working in the office. (Owl Labs)
Productivity metrics. 34% of workers with less than 5 years of experience in their role feel less productive working from home – likely because they lack the support and guidance of more experienced employees. (Squaretalk)
Remote work not going anywhere. The number of remote workers is expected to grow from 25% of the workforce in 2022 to 30% by 2025. (Upwork, 2022)
How to position yourself for a remote work role
The key to being considered for a remote role is credibility.
If you have been a digital nomad before and can talk to a future employer about your productivity hacks, then great. If not, do not despair. Most of us will have had a limited amount of experience working from home during the pandemic, so even if your previous employer required you to return to the office, lean on those memories. It may have been a traumatic time for many of us, but those early lessons in remote work could well provide the foundation for a flexible working future. If you felt like you thrived at home, why wouldn’t you pursue it? If the employer believes you, why wouldn’t they want you to thrive when you work for them?
If you make it clear on your resume and cover letter that you are looking for a remote working role, there will be no surprises for the hiring manager. This is a subject that will only come up after they have decided that you may be a potential option for them, so don’t bring it up too early in the interview conversation. Having said that, you should definitely mention it before the end of the first interview if there is no clarity as you shouldn’t waste their or your time. Failing that, a quick email to clarify the situation may be worthwhile if you receive a further interview invite.
Most importantly, be flexible in your attitude. You might start out in a hybrid role but prove yourself to be so effective that you then move fully remote. Judge the amount of flexibility yourself – companies may not want to take you on a fully remote basis until you have proven that you have what it takes.
Key takeaways
Remote work statistics are vital to have in the back of your mind when you enter into flexible working discussions during a job search. The concept may seem foreign to many of us, but these statistics do not lie. It is how many of us are working these days. Let me recap a few of the main stats to give you some extra courage to pursue your remote working dreams:
- Increase your happiness by 20%
- Save a significant amount of money
- Enjoy the opportunity of extra free time
- Potentially improve your productivity
- Increase your employment opportunities