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Written by Paul DruryPaul Drury

Quality Assurance (QA) cover letter example

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Quality Assurance (QA) cover letter example
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Any quality assurance role revolves around the minutiae of the work alongside the end results. Doing the little things well is central to every QA professional’s work, but this attitude is not easy to convey in a resume. A quality assurance cover letter can, on the other hand, offer the chance for a QA professional to talk about how they go about their job in their own words.

In this quality assurance writing guide and cover letter example we look at:

  • How to design a format that tells the right QA story
  • Structuring the introduction, middle part and conclusion
  • Where to include the various parts of your quality assurance story
  • Mistakes to avoid – attention to detail is everything in the QA world.
Expert tip

Our 180+ cover letter examples showcase a wide range of professions and may offer alternative sources of inspiration.

Best format for a quality assurance (QA) cover letter

The QA cover letter format should be straightforward and efficient. Pick your stories carefully, include enough detail to intrigue the reader and start a conversation that you will be able to continue at interview. Talk about how you do the job as much as what you do for a job.

You shouldn’t deviate from the standard cover letter structure:

  • Cover letter header
  • Greeting / salutation
  • Cover letter intro
  • Middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • Conclusion of your cover letter.

The Resume.io comprehensive cover letter guide offers a broader range of cover letter and job search advice, covering everything that might cross your mind as you compose this most essential of job search documents. When you only have 300-350 words at your disposal, every word matters.

Our adaptable quality assurance cover letter example can help you create your own:

Adaptable cover letter example

Dear Ms. Hamsley,

Having worked in quality assurance within the logistics industry for fifteen years, and specifically in pharma logistics for the past seven years, I believe the warehouse QA manager role in your start-up offers a unique challenge.

The nuances of pharmaceutical cold-chain warehousing require an exacting approach to quality assurance. My warehouses have never failed an audit and always passed their relevant state testing requirements. My record on regulatory compliance throughout my career has been exemplary – the numbers speak for my commercial and operational impact:

  • Created 200-page quality control process for 400+ logistics employees
  • Managed 60-point quarterly QA audit – with average 96 percent compliance rate
  • Successfully project managed three separate ISO certification processes
  • Designed internal QA procedures alongside operations and commercial teams
  • Ensured adherence to a 99.5 percent deviation limit in terms of cold-chain storage

I have trained 50+ employees and external partners in every aspect of QA and compliance and look forward to the challenges of setting up a QA process and team from scratch. Ninety percent of my previous QA team stayed with me for more than three years – I try to be an inventive and approachable manager. QA is about finding solutions rather than apportioning blame.

I look forward to the opportunity of an interview and in particular hearing about your development plans. I hope you’ll agree with me that QA compliance is a core element of any successful pharmaceutical start-up.


Gemma Dunkington


Cover letter header

The header of a QA cover letter should contain the contact details of the applicant – full name, email and mobile number. Make sure that you don’t make any errors.

Much as you would probably like to be thorough, you do not need to include your home address at this stage. There are discrimination and data protection issues – no employer will require it until an offer is sent. It may also be letter writing tradition, but an inside address of an employer is also not required on the cover letter (although if you are certain about it, it will convey an extra level of professionalism).

Cover letter greeting

In terms of getting the little things right, finding out to whom you should address the cover letter greeting should be high on your list. The hiring manager’s name may be on the job description or you may choose to phone the company to find out. Writing “Dear (Company Name) Team” is a better option than “To whom it may concern” if you do not know the recipient. It’s always best to find out if you can.

A respectful “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Surname” is the only option, no matter how casual the culture may be or to whatever degree you may know the person. The letter will be read by many others – keep it formal.

Adaptable cover letter greeting example

Dear Ms. Hamsley,


Cover letter introduction

The introduction of a quality assurance cover letter should get straight into quantifying your impact. Share details about the sorts of projects that they will do at your future employers and give context in terms of achievements. Think about the toughest assignments in your industry and only give details of the most impressive.

Consider sharing some details about the niche experience in terms of industry sectors and functional expertise. QA demands can vary, so make it absolutely clear that you have only the most relevant experience.

Adaptable cover letter introduction example

Having worked in quality assurance within the logistics industry for fifteen years, and specifically in pharma logistics for the past seven years, I believe the warehouse QA manager role in your start-up offers a unique challenge.


Cover letter middle part (body)

The middle part of a QA cover letter offers more freedom of expression. Do not be tempted to share a long list of responsibilities or simply parrot the demands of the job description. The factual aspects of your application should be included on your resume. The cover letter is more about telling some stories around how you overcame obstacles and 

Take care not to be too conversational with your language. Quality assurance is a very precise profession, so make sure to include plenty of industry keywords. This may also help with the recognition from the ATS software at the initial selection.

Describe how you work with your colleagues, how you employ soft skills to get things done, how you organize your work and how you maintain the highest standards in everything that you do.

Adaptable cover letter body example

The nuances of pharmaceutical cold-chain warehousing require an exacting approach to quality assurance. My warehouses have never failed an audit and always passed their relevant state testing requirements. My record on regulatory compliance throughout my career has been exemplary – the numbers speak for my commercial and operational impact:

  • Created 200-page quality control process for 400+ logistics employees
  • Managed 60-point quarterly QA audit – with average 96 percent compliance rate
  • Successfully project managed three separate ISO certification processes
  • Designed internal QA procedures alongside operations and commercial teams
  • Ensured adherence to a 99.5 percent deviation limit in terms of cold-chain storage

I have trained 50+ employees and external partners in every aspect of QA and compliance and look forward to the challenges of setting up a QA process and team from scratch. Ninety percent of my previous QA team stayed with me for more than three years – I try to be an inventive and approachable manager. QA is about finding solutions rather than apportioning blame.


How to end a quality assurance cover letter (conclusion & sign-off)

The conclusion of a QA cover letter should include one final example of your proficiency and show just how those marginal gains make a difference. This final story will stick in a hiring manager’s mind the longest, so make it a good one.

The end of the letter is then to include a call-to-action to say that you are looking forward to an interview. Make sure that you are not too presumptuous in your tone and maybe add something that you are looking forward to discussing or finding out. Have a look at a proposed ending of the QA cover letter sample below:

Adaptable cover letter closing example

I look forward to the opportunity of an interview and in particular hearing about your development plans. I hope you’ll agree with me that QA compliance is a core element of any successful pharmaceutical start-up.


Gemma Dunkington


Avoiding basic mistakes in a QA cover letter

Mistakes are the stuff of nightmares when you work in quality assurance, so while writing might not be your strong suit, make sure that you avoid the following:

  1. Poor spelling and grammar. Online grammar and spelling checkers such as Grammarly will help to give that extra polish to your writing.
  2. Improper tone. Quality assurance professionals have a somewhat formal tone to their correspondence, so don’t be too conversational.
  3. Too expansive. Keep the cover letter to one page – only stick to the stories that you consider essential to tell at interview.
Expert tip

How the cover letter looks will also have an impact on the reader. The template that you choose should be professional and simple. Let your QA achievements speak for themselves. Go with a professional template with a simple layout from one of our cover letter templates.

Key takeaways

  1. Go deep into some of your most impressive QA achievements
  2. Share examples that are similar to the quality work that you will be doing.
  3. Share industry keywords that will get you past the ATS.
  4. Quantify achievement and give context wherever possible.
  5. Have a look at your templates for striking cover letter visuals
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