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Systems Engineer cover letter example

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Systems Engineer cover letter example
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On a career path marked by one successful solution after another, which ones should you showcase when pursuing a new systems engineering job opportunity? This is the right question to ask for any get-hired strategy that begins with a stand-out systems engineer cover letter.

It’s fair to say that an artfully crafted cover letter can help bring about more than a quick glance at your resume — where intrigued recruiters can dig deeper for details — and thereafter a job-winning interview. And the needs-to-solutions analogy also fits; speaking directly to the hiring organization’s needs is pivotal to your cover letter’s effectiveness.

On both counts, Resume.io’s advice to job seekers worldwide is consistent. Our growing collection of online resources includes more than 180 occupation-specific writing guides, with corresponding cover letter examples.

What you’re reading now is a practical guide geared to systems engineers, paired with a cover letter example you can customize for your own situation. We’ll be discussing:

  • The best format for structuring a systems engineer cover letter
  • Hitting the high notes in each cover letter part: header, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion
  • Common mistakes to avoid in your systems engineer cover letter

Best format for a systems engineer cover letter

The systematic approach recommended for all occupation-specific cover letters can make it easier to get started and stay on track. Sticking to the stepwise outline below should also help ensure your systems engineer cover letter is sufficiently short and complete.

  • Cover letter header
  • Greeting / salutation
  • Introduction
  • Middle part (body)
  • Closing (conclusion and sign-off).

For every cover letter part there’s a purpose, and we’ll be walking you through each one with specific writing advice. You can find more information on formatting in our overall guide to cover letter writing.

But first, here is an adaptable systems engineer cover letter example that you can modify for the position and employer you are targeting.

Adaptable cover letter example

Dear Mr. Tulsen,

Having previously worked as a systems engineer in two educational settings, I understand the importance of reliable networks and functioning technology. Maintaining network connectivity and hardware integrity on a campus of over 15,000 students and staff has become second nature for me.

My role at BraneTech involved the maintenance and upgrading of over $5m of hardware and network infrastructure. I undertook large-scale projects in the faculty of science that indirectly led to a 60 percent increase in research funding and my bespoke training program created an intra-faculty tech task force to identify and solve problems at source. Defect maintenance within the faculty fell by 35 percent as a result.

I am a curious student of the latest EdTech and have acted as a guinea pig for many of the major players. I like to think of myself as an innovator, and I have spoken at industry conferences with over 4,000 attendees. Systems engineers are at the cutting edge of education technology – we understand what our students and teaching staff need. My influence allowed me to increase external investment by 120 percent over two years. Tech companies trusted me to give their solutions a thorough trial.

I am excited at the plans you have for upgrading University of Nevada’s technology base and am sure that I have the experience to make the most of the investment. I would love the opportunity of an interview to discuss what we might be able to achieve.


Polly Faulkener


Cover letter header

By design, the header of your systems engineer cover letter should be attractive in more than one sense. First off, it distinguishes your job application from others. Recruiters can easily remember and revisit your cover letter, hopefully to reach out with an interview request.

As a document label, the header draws viewers to where your name, occupation and contact information appear on the page. This stands out from your letter’s body text, separated by white space, creating reader-friendly visual interest.

Your attention to detail won’t go unnoticed by job application recipients, especially  if your resume and cover letter have matching headers and other formatting details. 

Goal of the cover letter header: Stand out from all the other systems engineer job candidates with a cover letter header that distinctively displays your name and contact information.

Cover letter greeting

“Dear Mr. / Ms. Surname” is a failsafe cover letter greeting, striking just the right tone: polite, professional and personable. Addressing the recipient by name is far more likely to generate a positive response, because people like the sound of their own name. It’s also the first clue that your letter is custom-tailored to the employer and the position. A generic greeting sends the opposite message and is likely to deter anyone from reading further. 

If your efforts to identify the cover letter recipient prove unsuccessful, try a next-best alternative such as: “Dear Systems Engineer Hiring Team” or “Dear XYZ Operations Manager.”

Goal of the cover letter greeting: Establish a direct connection with the employer in a professional but personable manner.

Cover letter introduction

Enthusiasm, confidence and sincerity could elevate your systems engineer cover letter from humdrum to “tell us more!” This is vital in the make-or-break opening paragraph, where your pitch for being the best hire must capture both the reader’s attention and imagination. Recruiters should not only be intrigued enough to keep reading, but also able to start picturing you on board their team.

As noted in this guide’s introduction, the need to speak to the employer’s needs is crucial, starting in this cover letter section. Your knowledge of the position and hiring organization should be apparent here, along with insights into your motivation. Why are you interested in this position, and why this employer? What makes you an excellent fit on both counts?

Expert tip

No need to get stuck trying to start your cover letter. Resume.io has you covered with many practical suggestions.

Goal of the cover letter introduction: Present your best-matched job qualifications up front, showing you understand the employer’s needs.

The greeting and introduction from our systems engineer cover letter sample appear below.

Adaptable cover letter introduction example

Dear Mr. Tulsen,

Having previously worked as a systems engineer in two educational settings, I understand the importance of reliable networks and functioning technology. Maintaining network connectivity and hardware integrity on a campus of over 15,000 students and staff has become second nature for me.


Cover letter middle part (body)

The cover letter body offers a synopsis of your most impressive achievements as a systems engineer. As stated earlier, your profession is all about solutions. So that’s how the examples highlighted here should be framed — as problem-solving success stories. 

Once again, draw on accomplishments that the hiring organization can best relate to. Use facts and figures to illustrate beneficial outcomes you helped bring about.

An anecdote or two can also be effective here, ideally illuminating lessons learned and aspects of your personality. Employers are interested in more than your technical expertise as a systems engineer. They want a sense of your interpersonal communication skills — how well you relate to coworkers, managers, and clients 

Goal of the cover letter body: Elaborate on relevant accomplishments suggesting how this employer would benefit from your contributions as an outstanding systems engineer.

Our systems engineer cover letter sample illustrates what you might include in the middle part:

Adaptable cover letter body example

My role at BraneTech involved the maintenance and upgrading of over $5m of hardware and network infrastructure. I undertook large-scale projects in the faculty of science that indirectly led to a 60 percent increase in research funding and my bespoke training program created an intra-faculty tech task force to identify and solve problems at source. Defect maintenance within the faculty fell by 35 percent as a result.

I am a curious student of the latest EdTech and have acted as a guinea pig for many of the major players. I like to think of myself as an innovator, and I have spoken at industry conferences with over 4,000 attendees. Systems engineers are at the cutting edge of education technology – we understand what our students and teaching staff need. My influence allowed me to increase external investment by 120 percent over two years. Tech companies trusted me to give their solutions a thorough trial.


How to close a systems engineer cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

Make no mistake about the ending of your cover letter mattering less than its preceding sections. Instead of sounding conclusive, it should express your hope that communication with this employer has only just begun. The right way to  open that door wider is with a call to action.

There’s nothing wrong with sounding eager to meet for an interview — perhaps even proposing a discussion topic. At least, indicate you look forward to hearing back soon from your cover letter recipient.

Otherwise, briefly restate your case for being the best job candidate, adding words of thanks for being considered. 

Then, simply sign off with “Sincerely” or Best regards” above your name. 

Goal of the cover letter closing: End on an optimistic note with a call to action that puts some onus on the employer to follow up.

Below is the closing section of our sample systems engineer cover letter.

Adaptable cover letter closing example

I am excited at the plans you have for upgrading University of Nevada’s technology base and am sure that I have the experience to make the most of the investment. I would love the opportunity of an interview to discuss what we might be able to achieve.


Polly Faulkener


Common cover letter mistakes to avoid

Although error-free cover letters should be the gold standard for all job seekers, the bar is set higher in certain professions, including systems engineering. Of course, proofreading is your best precaution to catch and correct typos, misspellings and grammatical slips. But that’s not where the potential ends for cover letter mistakes. These ones are more common than you might think.

  • Not custom-tailoring your cover letter to each specific employer and position, instead mass-mailing the same generic letter to multiple employers
  • Bureaucratic or otherwise unnatural-sounding language, rather than a conversational writing style
  • Space-wasting word bloat: repetition, overused clichés, and imprecise language
  • Deficient layout, design and formatting elements that detract from readability
Expert tip

A great layout and design immediately shows the hiring manager that you're a serious candidate worthy of the interview. A professionally-designed cover letter template can make this easy to accomplish.

What if I can't submit the cover letter?
What if I can't submit the cover letter?

Key takeaways for a systems engineer cover letter

  • As long as systems in any industry or workplace need to be conceived, created, fine-tuned or reconfigured, diverse job opportunities for systems engineers will exist.
  • Cover letters are the ideal way to showcase your problem-solving success stories, geared to the hiring organization’s needs.
  • Cover letters also give employers a sense of your interpersonal skills, so they are not overshadowed by your technical abilities.
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