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Written by Charlotte GraingerCharlotte Grainger

How Gen Z is redefining the modern workplace

4 min read
How Gen Z is redefining the modern workplace
The working world is changing—for the better. Read all about how younger workers are revamping the professional landscape now.

Have you noticed more Gen Z in the workplace? Yes, these youngsters are now joining the working world with full force. In fact, by the year 2025, Generation Z will make up around 27 percent of the global workforce. But what does that mean for the future? 

New attitudes, approaches, and expectations are all on the cards. Here at Resume.io, we have the inside scoop on the professional sector. In the following article, we will be taking a look at these insights about Generation Z in the workplace: 

  • Why they don’t fear quitting their jobs
  • How they have an inclusive mindset
  • The way that they value a work-life balance

No fear of quitting bad jobs

In the past, professionals may have hated their jobs, but there was always that overriding fear of chucking the job and looking elsewhere. Baby boomers—and even the younger millennials—valued stability and security over everything else. But times are changing. 

With Gen Z in the workplace, there’s a new approach. According to LinkedIn data, 72 percent of the generation would consider quitting their jobs. Whether it’s a search for better pay, more opportunities, or a nicer work environment, this generation is not afraid to throw in the towel. 

Inclusivity matters the most

While many workplaces strive to be more inclusive—and put policies in place to help them do so—Gen Z is making this a top priority. It’s all about bonding over common causes. A massive 66 percent of this generation believe that real “communities are created by causes and interests, not by economic backgrounds or educational levels”.

For that reason, Gen Z workers are more likely to showcase an inclusive attitude toward their colleagues. This is an ethos that can quickly reverberate through an entire business. As such, should employers want to attract younger workers, it is a savvy move to ensure that the workplace is inclusive both in opportunities and overall benefits. 

Prioritizing a true work-life

Choosing an employer can be a tricky feat, especially when you’re just starting. It may come as something of a surprise to learn that 38 percent of Gen Z workers prioritize a work-life balance when deciding where they want to work. However, it is worth noting that they are not alone in this approach. By comparison, 47 percent of millennials said the same thing.

The move toward demanding a better work-life balance is nothing new. It is a shift that has been happening for several years now. And with more Generation Z in the workplace than ever, it is a trend that will likely continue. For employers, that may mean offering more flexible working approaches, remote models, or even giving more paid time off. 

Key takeaways

  1. You may have noticed more members of Gen Z in the workplace. With them comes a new approach to the professional sphere.
  2. Understanding this generation’s outlook is the first step in the process, especially how much they value their time, ethics, and work-life balance.
  3. Employers who wish to attract Gen Z workers might have to make changes. Learning about their needs and expectations will help get things moving!
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