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The hardest working royals during lockdown

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The hardest working royals during lockdown
Interested to discover which Royal has put in the most working hours during lockdown? We analysed the hardest working royals for you!

Whilst the country was in lockdown the Royals were busy attending various Royal engagements, either in person or via video link. Interested to discover which Royal has put in the most working hours during lockdown, Resume.io analysed data on the hours that each Royal has invested into their state and national duties, and ranked them to uncover the most hard-working and lazy Royals of all! 

To do this, using data from The Court Circular, Resume.io totalled all engagements since lockdown began to unveil who has put in the most hours. Resume.io also sought to find out how much each Royal would have potentially earned for their Royal engagements if they were paid. 

Which British Royal worked the most hours during lockdown?

Revealed: The hardest working royals - who had put in the most hours?
Revealed: The hardest working royals - who had put in the most hours?

Topping the list is Prince Charles with a total of 69 engagements, which means the heir apparent to the British throne is the hardest working Royal according to our calculations. Since lockdown began, he has worked 50 days and, if he were paid for working during these engagements, the Prince would earn a whopping £3,270! Some of his duties included holding meetings via video calls, attending the Commissioning Ceremony at Royal Air Force, and visiting Transport for London.

Despite the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Katherine, having three children to contend with and home school during lockdown, together they attended 99 engagements. Prince William comes in second place with 65 engagements, and Kate comes in seventh spot with 34 engagements. Resume.io found that, based on the number of days Prince William worked, he would have earned £2,518 if he were paid – more than double what the Duchess would have potentially earned. 

Being 94 years old hasn’t stopped Queen Elizabeth during lockdown, as she is crowned the third hardest working Royal with 54 engagements. She may not have attended as many engagements as Prince William, but she has worked 10 more days than her grandson since lockdown began. Despite attending less engagements, our analysis can reveal that the Queen could have potentially earned £654 more than Prince William due to the number of days worked. 

Each year there is always a competition between Princess Anne and Prince Charles to see who is the hardest working of the Royal siblings. Resume.io’s analysis found that, during lockdown, Prince Charles attended 22 more engagements than Princess Anne who appeared at 47. Some of the engagements she attended include the International Olympic Committee Session via video link, visiting the Foresters’ Forest Project, and participating in board meetings with trustees. Not only did Prince Charles attend more engagements but he also would have earned more than Princess Anne too – £589 to be exact!

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Falling in fifth place is Princess Sophie who has attended 36 engagements over the 21 days that she worked during lockdown. Only one engagement behind her in the running for the hardest working Royal is Prince Edward who completed 35 engagements. Although Prince Edward may have attended one engagement less, he worked four more days than Princess Sophie, resulting in the Royal earning £262 more.

Tying in seventh place with Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is Prince Richard who also attended 34 engagements during lockdown. Despite attending the same number of engagements, Prince Richard worked 23 days whereas Kate worked for 15 – the 8 days difference means that Prince Richard stands the chance of earning £523 more than Katherine if they were paid for attending Royal engagements.

In eighth place is Princess Camilla, who has attended 31 engagements since lockdown began, is followed by Princess Birgitte (19), Prince Edward (10) and Princess Alexandra (6). Princess Birgitte and Alexandra may have attended a different number of engagements, however they both worked 10 days so share the potential of earning £654 each.

Prince Phillip made a rare public appearance during lockdown, where he attended one Royal engagement at Windsor Castle as he handed over his long-standing military role to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. This single engagement is highly impressive when considering the Royal is 99 years old and has “retired” from Royal duties. According to our analysis, Prince Philip could have potentially earned £65.40 for this single engagement – the least of all working Royals during lockdown, as expected.

Representing Kent, Princess Katherine, Prince Michael, and Princess Marie Christine all attended zero engagements during lockdown, crowning them the least hard-working Royals!


Using the website The Court Circular (which provides the official record of past Royal engagements for each Royal family member), Resume.io totalled all engagements from March 23rd (the official start date of UK lockdown) to unveil which Royal put in the most hours since lockdown began. 

To find out how much each Royal would have potentially earned for their Royal engagement, Resume.io took the average working day (7.5 hours), multiplied this by the minimum wage for people over 25 (£8.72), and then multiplied this by how many days each Royal had worked.

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