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Written by Charlotte GraingerCharlotte Grainger

Work-life balance for managers: how it affects your leadership

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Work-life balance for managers: how it affects your leadership
Artwork by:Katya Vakulenko
Want to become an effective leader? The key to your success may be boosting your work-life balance. Read our guide to find out how to get it right.

Leaders have the chance to motivate, inspire, and drive their teams forward. So, what is it that makes some managers simply better than the rest? The answer may surprise you. In the following guide, we will be looking at these key points: 

  • The link between your work-life balance and your leadership skills
  • Quick tips and advice to help you improve your work-life balance

Never underestimate the power of work-life balance for managers. While there’s a rainbow array of leadership guides on the market, getting the fundamentals right is the first step. New research from the University of Florida suggests that the key to succeeding as a manager may be simply switching off and having some post-work recovery time. 

The study surveyed both managers and their team to see what impact the former’s lifestyle had on their leadership skills. The findings show that managers who disconnect from their work when they get home are more refreshed the following day. It doesn't end there. This group was also rated as better managers by their teams. 

“The simple message of this study is that if you want to be an effective leader at work, leave work at work," explained Klodiana Lanaj, research leader and a professor in the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business.

"This is particularly important for inexperienced leaders, as they seem to benefit the most from recovery experiences when at home. Leaders have challenging jobs as they juggle their own role responsibilities with the needs of their followers, and they need to recover from the demands of the leadership role."

Perfecting your work-life balance for managers

Establishing a work-life balance for managers doesn't have to be hard. While there are plenty of things you can try, we are just going to cover the basics. Check out our tips to help you leave work at work and have some down time: 

  • Don’t check emails out of hours. When you’re stressed-out, you might think that checking emails at home is productive. Sure, you can get on top of your inbox but this habit means that you are always thinking about work. Take a break, seriously.
  • Turn off pesky notifications. Whether it’s Asana, Monday, Trello, or any other work-based app, it’s time to turn off the notifications. Having them pop up when you’re trying to relax in your free time is a recipe for disaster.
  • Start a new hobby. Once the working day is done, it’s time to focus on you. Rather than spending your time worrying about what the next day will bring, do something you enjoy. That could be playing a sport, hitting the gym, or crocheting a hat.
  • Ditch your smartphone. Taking some time away from your smartphone is never a bad idea. Chances are, you spend all day online. Go off grid. Okay, you might not want to head into the wilderness but you could switch your phone off for an hour.

Key takeaways

  1. It’s important to establish a good work-life balance for managers. If you fail to switch off at the end of the day, it will have a negative impact on your leadership.
  2. While it can be hard to leave work at work, there are ways you can get it right.
  3. Take the time to evaluate your current lifestyle. How can you improve it?
  4. Use our tips and advice to help you create an ace manager work-life balance.
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