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Written by Paul DruryPaul Drury

Brand Ambassador cover letter example

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Brand Ambassador cover letter example
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When you only have a brief window of attention to extol the virtues of your brand, whether online or in real life, every brand ambassador appreciates the value of impactful messaging. When they are applying for a new job, their brand ambassador cover letter should demonstrate their ability to sell a story in a few short sentences.

A great brand ambassador cover letter gets to the heart of the employer’s needs. Being a compelling ambassador for the brand “you” is the best way of showing that you have the skills to represent their brand. In this writing guide and the corresponding brand ambassador cover letter sample, we’ll explore:

  • Formatting your brand ambassador cover letter to capture your range of activity
  • What to include in the introduction, middle part and conclusion
  • Quantifying results and telling specific stories wherever possible
  • Putting your previous brands at the heart of your brand ambassador cover letter

Since brand ambassadors work in a range of industries and with a variety of professionals, you may find more inspiration in our 150+ occupation-specific cover letter examples.

Best format for a brand ambassador cover letter

Every sales and marketing argument should have a logical flow to its persuasion. Brand ambassadors have an instinctive feel for how to influence a buying decision and the brand ambassador cover letter is no different. The format for the cover letter should follow a set and predictable path that will allow the content of the argument to shine through:

  • Cover letter header
  • Cover letter greeting
  • Introductory paragraph
  • Body of the cover letter (middle paragraphs)
  • End of the brand ambassador cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)
Expert tip

This brand ambassador cover letter guide gives a profession-specific slant on writing a cover letter, so for more general considerations our comprehensive cover letter example is well worth a read. Any source of inspiration is a worthwhile investment.

This brand ambassador cover letter example may spark some thoughts:

Adaptable cover letter example

Dear Ms. Jackson,

As I look to add to my portfolio of leisure brands, the opportunity to represent LazyDay Jacuzzis is an ideal fit for my 240k+ social audience and my already packed schedule of trade shows and industry publication bylines.

In my current role as a brand ambassador for a patio heater market leader and the No.2 brand in garden furniture, Jacuzzis would be a perfect fit for my market. My personal sales impact has been attributed at +25% YOY growth for the past three years and brand recognition for both clients has more than doubled over three years. When the time to make a purchase decision comes along, your brand needs to be top of the list.

I have spoken at 80+ trade shows - both online and real world - and always seek to keep on top of the latest industry trends. I led my heater client into the outdoor cooling segment, and they recently entered the market due to my influence. The price point of jacuzzis is constantly decreasing, so mass marketing techniques will be essential to retain your market dominance. I regularly top the influencer lists for the garden leisure products category.

I understand that there are specific requirements in terms of being featured in your promotional photoshoots and video segments, so my background as an amateur model should prove useful. I am comfortable in front of a camera – when customers see me using the products, my recommendations are more authentic.

I would love to meet and discuss your marketing plans – I know that the next few years you are going to bring new product lines to the market, and I would love the opportunity to help increase your market share.

Carla McGrath


Cover letter header

If you don’t get the basics of marketing right, even the most persuasive of messages can go unrewarded. Brand ambassadors regularly link back to their website landing pages on their social campaigns, so why wouldn’t you include your contact details, email and social links in the header of your brand ambassador cover letter?  

Beyond the important contact details, the header is also the place to show you understand the branding of the company, so make sure the look and feel of your page layout sends the right message.

Goal of the cover letter header: Keep it simple and put your contact details right where they are expected. Make sure to include your social links – how you promote your own brand is a reflection of how you promote the brand of your employer.

Cover letter greeting

A polite and respectful attitude towards any customer is an integral part of any brand ambassador’s approach, so ensuring the common courtesy of getting the cover letter greeting right should come as second nature.

Check to whom the letter should be addressed, spell their name correctly and include a suitable salutation. “Dear” is by far the safest option and if you do not know to whom you are writing, “Dear Company team” is a far better variation than the unfeeling “to whom it may concern.”

Goal of letter greeting: Attention to detail matters for a brand ambassador – getting the greeting right will ensure that the reader’s attention is focused on your story.

Adaptable cover letter greeting example

Dear Ms. Jackson,


Cover letter introduction

The introduction of a brand ambassador cover letter should both shine a light on their understanding of the specific brand in question and demonstrate a track record of marketing success for similar brands. You understand the subtleties of the challenge ahead and you have what it takes to overcome them.

Avoid simply listing the responsibilities of the role – that will persuade no one. Lead with some of your biggest successes and make sure that they are relevant to the future role. Quantify your achievements and make them stand out with unique action verbs. How have you brought your brand to life – both online and offline – and what has been your direct impact on the bottom line profit margin? The brand ambassador cover letter introduction should quantify your worth into a couple of powerful sentences. See our cover letter sample for more ideas on how to write your own introduction.

Goal of the cover letter intro: Create a great first impression as a brand ambassador by selling both your brand and their brand simultaneously.

Adaptable cover letter introduction example

As I look to add to my portfolio of leisure brands, the opportunity to represent LazyDay Jacuzzis is an ideal fit for my 240k+ social audience and my already packed schedule of trade shows and industry publication bylines.


Cover letter middle part (body)

No brand ambassador role is the same and the nature of the role will depend on the characteristics of the customer and where it is optimal to engage with them. Tailor the middle part or body of the brand ambassador cover letter to these requirements.

While it is important to continue to share your achievements, it is also vital to shine some light about the approach you took. Social media success can be achieved in many different ways, so do your research into your future employer and make sure that your stories match how they go about wooing their customers.

An effective brand ambassador needs to be at the centre of everything that is going on at their employers and should therefore feel a particular affinity for the employer’s culture. Study the language on their career pages and in the job description and try to match their tone in your cover letter – if you sound like “one of them,” you will get that interview invite.

Goal of the body of your cover letter: Share the sorts of stories that you will expect to replicate in your new role, using the language and tone of your future employer.

Adaptable cover letter body example

In my current role as a brand ambassador for a patio heater market leader and the No.2 brand in garden furniture, Jacuzzis would be a perfect fit for my market. My personal sales impact has been attributed at +25% YOY growth for the past three years and brand recognition for both clients has more than doubled over three years. When the time to make a purchase decision comes along, your brand needs to be top of the list.

I have spoken at 80+ trade shows - both online and real world - and always seek to keep on top of the latest industry trends. I led my heater client into the outdoor cooling segment, and they recently entered the market due to my influence. The price point of jacuzzis is constantly decreasing, so mass marketing techniques will be essential to retain your market dominance. I regularly top the influencer lists for the garden leisure products category.

I understand that there are specific requirements in terms of being featured in your promotional photoshoots and video segments, so my background as an amateur model should prove useful. I am comfortable in front of a camera – when customers see me using the products, my recommendations are more authentic.


How to close a brand ambassador cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

Every salesperson understands the need for a strong close. End with a sense of passion for the brand and one more solid reason as to why you are the right person to represent it. 

Every cover letter should then finish with a call to action – say that you are looking forward to the opportunity of finding out more about the role and maybe meeting your future boss. These are normal sentiments for anyone that is starting a new job and so long as you are not too arrogant and demanding, they are the right way to finish any sales correspondence. Check out the call to action from our brand ambassador cover letter sample.

Goal of the closing: Let your future employer know that you can’t wait to get started and invite them to schedule an interview.

Adaptable cover letter conclusion and sign-off example

I would love to meet and discuss your marketing plans – I know that the next few years you are going to bring new product lines to the market, and I would love the opportunity to help increase your market share.

Carla McGrath

Expert tip

The template of the brand ambassador cover letter should be professional but not too flashy. The message within is the main thing, so stick to a professional look. Using our professional cover letter templates will set the tone.

Key takeaways

  1. Persuade your employer as you would persuade a potential customer
  2. Include quantifiable achievements throughout your story and make sure that your passion for the product / service shines through.
  3. Stick to the normal cover letter format – your story doesn’t need gimmicks.
  4. Ensure that there are no mistakes – attention to detail matters in your job.

Considering other examples may be of assistance. Best of luck with the job hunt.

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