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  2. Debbie Bride
Debbie Bride

Articles By Debbie Bride

Debbie Bride is a Canadian communications specialist who has called Costa Rica home since 2017. Born and raised in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Debbie moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba as a young adult, settling into that vibrant prairie hub for a life and career chapter spanning four decades. Her background includes writing about human resource and career development topics for employees and association members in various business and nonprofit sectors.

Published in Career

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Job search resources and tips for people experiencing homelessness
Of all the hard knocks we hope never to experience, homelessness is high on most people’s lists. Even harder to imagine is dealing with unemployment while homeless. We look into the unique job search challenges faced by homeless people and tips for overcoming them.
Job search resources and tips for people experiencing homelessness
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15 min read

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Piercings and tattoos during a job interview
In an era of inclusive, diversity-embracing corporate cultures and relaxed dress codes that embrace self-expression, job interviews can still induce anxiety. If you have tattoos or piercings, should these embellishments be visible during the interview or not? Here, we uncover insights to help you decide.
Piercings and tattoos during a job interview
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13 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Security clearance on resumes: how to present it effectively
Not sure about putting security clearance intel on your resume? Here, we’ll brief you on what can and should be disclosed when classified information safeguards are a hiring consideration.
Security clearance on resumes: how to present it effectively
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15 min read

Published in Career

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

A guide for women interested in a programming career: top 20 online resources for kickstarting your coding journey
Opportunities abound for women interested in a programming career, even in the absence of any computer science background. The astonishing number of online learning options shows you’re in good company. We’ll try to decode the process for getting started as a female coder.
A guide for women interested in a programming career.
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12 min read

Published in Job Interview

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

10 Bank teller interview questions with strong sample answers!
Acing a bank teller interview requires demonstrating technical knowledge, interpersonal skills, and a customer-centric approach. Practicing answers to these common interview questions can help you confidently prove your excellence for the role.
10 Bank teller interview questions with strong sample answers!
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8 min read

Published in Career

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Guide to finding a job after rehab
Putting your life back together following treatment for a substance use disorder is comparable to a full-time job. How can you manage an actual job search simultaneously after rehab? Here, we explore the challenges and rewards of reentering the workforce while recovery remains your top priority.
Guide to finding a job after rehab
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16 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

How to indicate availability on your resume: essential tips & strategies
Rarely is it necessary to indicate on your resume when you’re available to work, because availability can be assumed in most hiring circumstances. But in some instances, clarifying your work availability on your resume can benefit both you and potential employers.
How to indicate availability on your resume: essential tips & strategies
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11 min read

Published in Resume Help

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Customer service resume objectives: writing to impress
When it’s time for a customer service job change, the few short lines of text at the top of your resume page could be the most impactful writing task you’ve tackled in a long time. Here we offer some practical advice for composing an effective customer service resume objective.
Customer service resume objectives: writing to impress
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13 min read

Published in Career

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Scorched earth letter templates help channel “resignation rage”
It’s not unheard of for disgruntled employees to vent their workplace complaints through extremely scathing and sometimes humorous resignation letters. But fortunately, this scorched earth approach to job departures is an exception to the rule. Still, scorched earth resignation letters can serve a purpose in the realm of fantasy. That’s why Resume.io has devised a unique hotness scale for matching the right tone of letter to the degree of raging revenge.
Scorched earth letter templates help channel “resignation rage”
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41 min read

Published in Career

by Debbie BrideDebbie Bride

Jobs that will be replaced by AI
This blog could have been produced by a chatbot instead of a Resume.io author, but it wasn’t. Content writers are among the growing number of humans that AI technology is capable of assisting or replacing altogether. Here we explore the jobs most likely at stake, for better or worse.
Jobs that will be replaced by AI
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24 min read
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